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CVPR Workshop 2023 | 🌐Project Page | 📝Paper | 🎥Video | 💾Data

We propose a novel approach to the problem of non-rigid surface reconstruction through the use of a deformable neural implicit scene model and a rendering method that is provably unbiased to the object surface, even for bent rays. Our method, called Ub4D, is described in the paper Unbiased 4D: Monocular 4D Reconstruction with a Neural Deformation Model.
Erik C.M. Johnson1,2, Marc Habermann1, Soshi Shimada1, Vladislav Golyanik1 Christian Theobalt1
1MPI Informatics, 2Saarland Informatics Campus


Clone this repository:

git clone
cd Ub4D

Download the data and place it in a folder named public_data within the repo. The data location is specified in the configuration file data_dir under dataset (i.e. ./public_data/CASE_NAME/ for the provided configs). For running the provided configs, the pathing should be:

|-- public_data
    |-- Cactus
    |-- Humanoid
    |-- Lego
    |-- RealCactus
    |-- RootTrans

Install the requirements:

Windows (CUDA 10.2)
conda env create -f conda_env_windows.yml
Linux (CUDA 11.1)
conda env create -f conda_env_linux.yml
Requirement list
Python 3.8 and:


(Note: `matplotlib`, `scipy`, `scikit-learn`, and `pyrender` are only required for our post-processing script `` and could be removed if they cause trouble)
(Note: `ffmpeg` available in your path is required to generate videos from image sequences as part of post-processing)

Activate the environment (if using Conda):

conda activate ub4d


We use the Cactus scene and its corresponding provided config file as an example. Running these commands should recreate the gif below (note that some variation is possible due to unseeded RNG). For other scenes, replace the --case with the dataset name and the --conf with an appropriate config file.

  1. Training
python --mode train --conf ./public_confs/Cactus.conf --case Cactus

This creates and populates the folder specified in base_exp_dir under general in the config file (i.e. exp/cactus/paper_config in the above case). Directory should contain:

Training output directories
|-- checkpoints # saved state; frequency specified by save_freq under train in config file
|-- logs # tensorboard logs; frequency specified by report_freq under train in config file
|-- meshes # validation meshes; frequency specified by val_mesh_freq under train in config file (note: this visualizes the canonical space, not any frame!)
|-- normals # validation normal image; frequency specified by val_freq under train in config file
|-- pointclouds # validation termination pointcloud (only points with sufficient segmentation value; see code for further details); frequency specified by val_freq under train in config file
|-- recording # backup of all python scripts and config file
|-- validations_fine # validation RGB image; frequency specified by val_freq under train in config file
  1. Extract mesh sequence from trained model

If meshes are provided in the dataset (e.g. synthetic scenes), --full_scene_bounds can be omitted and --mcube_resolution reduced since this limits the marching to a slightly expanded bounding box of the mesh vertices. This expansion factor is controlled by bbox_expansion under dataset in the config file.

python --mode mesh_sequence --conf ./public_confs/Cactus.conf --case Cactus --is_continue --full_scene_bounds --frustum_cull --mcube_resolution 1024

This saves every frame as an individual mesh in one of the following directories:

  • 'full_scene_{:08d}'.format(iteration) if --full_scene_bounds
  • 'custom_{:08d}'.format(iteration)' if --custom_bounds (see the code for specifying custom marching bounds)
  • 'meshes_{:08d}'.format(iteration) otherwise
  1. Post-process the results

This assumes both of the above steps ran successfully. Many features require matplotlib to be installed, but quantitative metrics can be computed without it. Add --skip_render if pyrender or scipy are not installed (or running on a headless system without an appropriately built pyrender). Add --skip_latents if scikit-learn is not installed. It works better with ffmpeg available in the path.

python --conf ./public_confs/Cactus.conf --case Cactus

If ground truth meshes are available in the data directory, then for every possible output mesh directory this adds a subdirectory of meshes named errors which recolors each vertex with the distance to the ground truth. In this case it also adds quantitative metrics in summary.txt, metrics.csv, and metrics.npy.

If not specifying --skip_render, then for every possible output mesh directory, this adds subdirectories that contain renderings of the meshes from various possible perspectives. The relevant options are --render_novel and --render_view <view_index>. The name of the subdirectory is adjusted to be unique to the combination provided and a video is created in the subdirectory if ffmpeg is available in the path. Additionally, if neither --render_novel nor --render_view are specified, a subsubdirectory is created called overlay that overlays the renderings on the original input images.

If not specifying --skip_latents, an additional directory named latent_analysis will be created which visualizes the latent codes in every checkpoint. If the latent codes are of a higher dimension than 2, this will be a PCA projection based on the final latent code state. This allows a stable comparison and we therefore also produce an animation showing the evolution of the latent codes over training.

  1. Create the grid video visualization

We include a grid video utility for easily generating comparisons. This will only work if images were rendered in the step above. Run python utils/ --help or see utils/ for full usage information. Note that the directories are specified in row-major order.

python utils/ ./public_data/Cactus/train/ ./exp/Cactus/paper_config/full_scene_00300000/cam/overlay/ ./exp/Cactus/paper_config/cam_color/ ./exp/Cactus/paper_config/full_scene_00300000/errors/cam/ --nrows 1 --ncol 4 --output ./exp/Cactus/paper_config/1x4/

This command recreates the sequence shown at the start of the section in the folder ./exp/Cactus/paper_config/1x4/ assuming everything worked. A video and gif are also produced (i.e. vid.mp4 and vid.gif) if ffmpeg is available in the path.

  • (Optional) Render camera and novel views

Renders RGB images, normals images, and outputs termination pointclouds for camera and novel views.

python --mode validate_sequence --conf ./public_confs/Cactus.conf --case Cactus --is_continue
python --mode novel_sequence --conf ./public_confs/Cactus.conf --case Cactus --is_continue

Outputs camera validation results in 'sequence_{:08d}'.format(iteration) directory and novel view results in 'novel_{:08d}'.format(iteration) directory.

  • (Optional) Animate the canonical space

Animates the mesh created by marching in the canonical space by solving an optimization problem (see code for further details). This could allow extracting 3D correspondences, but it fails dramatically for large deformations (see figure below). Maybe simultaneously training an inverse bending network via cycle-consistency would work...

python --mode animate_canonical --conf ./public_confs/Cactus.conf --case Cactus --is_continue

This saves every animated result as an individual mesh in one of the following directories:

  • 'animfull_scene_{:08d}'.format(iteration) if --full_scene_bounds
  • 'animcust_{:08d}'.format(iteration) if --custom_bounds (see the code for specifying custom marching bounds)
  • 'animated_{:08d}'.format(iteration) otherwise


The config file contains important hyperparameters under train:

  • end_iter: number of iterations for which to run; further experiments indicate values lower than the paper's 450000 are better
  • igr_weight: weight for Eikonal loss (L_EIK)
  • mask_weight: weight for segmentation loss (L_SEG)
  • offset_weight: weight for neighbour offset loss (L_NBR)
  • divergence_weight: weight for divergence loss (L_DIV)
  • flow_weight: weight for scene flow loss (L_FLO)
  • bending_increasing: use exponential 1/100 increasing bending penalizers (default is true)
  • flow_decreasing: use exponential 1/10 decreasing flow loss (default is true)

Additionally, the construction of the system can be modified by changing the network hyperparameters under model. Note that the nerf model is only relevant when outside samples are used which is not done for any of our scenes. This will likely be relevant when extending to remove the necessity of supplying segmentation images.

Specifically interesting are the following under bending_network:

  • latent_dim: dimension of the latent codes used; further experiments indicate values lower than the paper's 64 are better
  • zero_init: initializes the latent codes with zeroes (default is true); interesting to show the significance of the zero initialization

Data Formats

We accept three different data formats:

The NeRF Blender format and LLFF are the primary formats, with IDR only used for regression testing.

NeRF Blender format (recommended for synthetic experiments)

This format is described in NeRF and we use our Blender add-on to output the data. It is typically used for synthetic scenes to demonstrate the method capabilities and uses ground truth camera parameters.

One can also export meshes from Blender for use with the scene flow loss or as ground truth. These are also used to compute segmentations, although this could likely be added to the Blender add-on. Note that we use the following settings (note especially the changed orientation to match our convention!):

The relevant parts of the dataset are:

|-- transforms_train.json # camera parameters for training images
|-- novel_view.json # camera parameters for novel views
|-- train # RGB images
    |-- 0001.png # note 1-indexed naming
    |-- 0002.png
|-- test # empty folder; no testing set for this problem
|-- val # empty folder; no validation set for this problem
|-- segmentations # segmentation images (must be same size as RGB images!)
    |-- 0001.png # corresponds to RGB image 0001.png
    |-- 0002.png # corresponds to RGB image 0002.png
|-- meshes # optional! estimated meshes used for the scene flow loss
    |-- mesh_000001.obj # corresponds to RGB image 0001.png (note 1-indexed naming)
    |-- mesh_000002.obj # must have same number of corresponding vertices as mesh_000001.obj
|-- gt_meshes # optional! ground truth meshes for quantitative comparison
    |-- mesh_000001.obj # corresponds to RGB image 0001.png (note despite naming this differs from the above)
    |-- mesh_000002.obj # corresponds to RGB image 0002.png

In the config file under dataset set data_type = nonrigid and nonrigid_type = blender. Ensure a bending_network section is included under model.

LLFF (recommended for real-world captures)

This format is described in NR-NeRF and in LLFF. It is typically used for a real-world scene where the camera parameters must be estimated with COLMAP. Unfortunately, we do not provide a pre-processing utility, but rather refer to that of NR-NeRF.

While NR-NeRF always uses the full images when running COLMAP, we sometimes remove keypoints on the non-rigid object by providing dilated and inverted segmentations (see colmap directory in the RealCactus dataset and note that we allow all matches during the static portion of the capture). This keypoint removal is implemented in COLMAP and we simply add --ImageReader.mask_path <path_to_dilated_inverted_segmentations> when running the feature_extractor (take care that the masks are named appropriately! - i.e. same as the RGB images, but with added .png extension, even if they are already PNG files).

The relevant parts of the dataset are:

|-- poses_bounds.npy # output from pre-processing
|-- images # RGB images
    |-- 0001.png # note 1-indexed naming
    |-- 0002.png
|-- images_1 # same RGB images again
    |-- 0001.png
    |-- 0002.png
|-- segmentations # segmentation images (must be same size!)
    |-- 0001.png # corresponds to RGB image 0001.png
    |-- 0002.png # corresponds to RGB image 0002.png
|-- meshes # optional! estimated meshes used for the scene flow loss
    |-- mesh_000001.obj # corresponds to RGB image 0001.png (note 1-indexed naming)
    |-- mesh_000002.obj # must have same number of corresponding vertices as mesh_000001.obj
|-- gt_meshes # optional! ground truth meshes for quantitative comparison
    |-- mesh_000001.obj # corresponds to RGB image 0001.png (note despite naming this differs from the above)
    |-- mesh_000002.obj # corresponds to RGB image 0002.png

In the config file under dataset set data_type = nonrigid and nonrigid_type = llff. Ensure a bending_network section is included under model.


This format is described in some detail in NeuS and in further detail in IDR data convention. It is typically used for a real-world, rigid objects; however, the bending network can be used with this data format. This allows a simple regression test (bending network should remain non-bending during training).

In the config file under dataset omit both data_type and nonrigid_type (default is IDR format). If bending_network is under model, then the bending network will be used even though the data will be multi-view of a rigid object.


Unfortunately, results from the paper or results given in this README are not directly reproducible due to variabilities in PyTorch between versions, operating systems, etc. We offer the ability to provide a random seed; however, this is not sufficient to reproduce results across different systems and setups. While results will be similar between equivalent runs, they will not be identical and no analysis into the degree of variation is conducted.


	title={Unbiased 4D: Monocular 4D Reconstruction with a Neural Deformation Model}, 
	author={Erik C.M. Johnson and Marc Habermann and Soshi Shimada and Vladislav Golyanik and Christian Theobalt},
	journal={CVPR Workshop}


This work builds upon the excellent works of NeuS, NR-NeRF, IDR, NeRF, and NeRF-pytorch; and is licensed consistently with these works. We truly stand on the shoulders of giants.


Code release for Unbiased 4D







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