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Pull requests: eco-repositories/eco-monorepo

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Pull requests list

Bump react-dom and @types/react-dom dependencies [PR] addresses a dependency update Domain: meta [Issue / PR] describes change in the development process, documentation, maintenance etc. Priority: low [Issue / PR] could be addressed at any convenient time Type: improvement [Issue / PR] addresses lack of a functionality or an open possibility of enhancement
#430 opened Jan 15, 2025 by dependabot bot Loading…
Add mq service Domain: main [Issue / PR] describes change in the functionality, its optimization Priority: low [Issue / PR] could be addressed at any convenient time Type: improvement [Issue / PR] addresses lack of a functionality or an open possibility of enhancement
#349 opened Sep 15, 2024 by parzhitsky Draft
Define main package Domain: main [Issue / PR] describes change in the functionality, its optimization Package: main [Issue / PR] describes a change in the main package Pending: unclear [Issue] not yet fully defined Type: improvement [Issue / PR] addresses lack of a functionality or an open possibility of enhancement
#264 opened May 26, 2024 by parzhitsky Draft
Serve docs endpoint Domain: main [Issue / PR] describes change in the functionality, its optimization Package: server [Issue / PR] describes a change in the server app Package: shared [Issue / PR] describes a change of shared code Priority: medium [Issue / PR] should be addressed without delay Type: improvement [Issue / PR] addresses lack of a functionality or an open possibility of enhancement
#199 opened Nov 21, 2023 by parzhitsky Loading…
Define ESLint rule for controllers' return types Domain: meta [Issue / PR] describes change in the development process, documentation, maintenance etc. Package: server [Issue / PR] describes a change in the server app Package: shared [Issue / PR] describes a change of shared code Priority: low [Issue / PR] could be addressed at any convenient time Type: improvement [Issue / PR] addresses lack of a functionality or an open possibility of enhancement
#109 opened Sep 25, 2023 by parzhitsky Draft
4 tasks
Enable watch mode with path aliases Domain: main [Issue / PR] describes change in the functionality, its optimization Package: server [Issue / PR] describes a change in the server app Priority: medium [Issue / PR] should be addressed without delay Type: improvement [Issue / PR] addresses lack of a functionality or an open possibility of enhancement
#69 opened Sep 11, 2023 by parzhitsky Draft
ProTip! Find all pull requests that aren't related to any open issues with -linked:issue.