A bitbucket cli tool.
$ curl -#fL "$(curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/NINEJKH/bitbucket-cli/releases/latest | grep 'browser_download_url' | sed -n 's/.*"\(http.*\)".*/\1/p')" | sudo tee /usr/local/bin/bitbucket > /dev/null && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/bitbucket
- Create App password: https://bitbucket.org/account/user/YOUR_USERNAME/app-passwords
- Add those details in
username = <Your Username>
password = <Your Password>
$ bitbucket repositories:pullrequests:get NINEJKH/bitbucket-cli 4
$ bitbucket repositories:pullrequests:update NINEJKH/bitbucket-cli 4 < payload.json
$ bitbucket repositories:pullrequests:update:description NINEJKH/bitbucket-cli 4 "new description (or via STDIN)"
$ bitbucket repositories:issues:get NINEJKH/bitbucket-cli 4
$ bitbucket repositories:issues:create NINEJKH/bitbucket-cli "My minor task" "content of the issue" task minor