Dependency updates
π οΈ Others
Refs #255643 - Add temporal-coverage, geolocation, dataprovenance widgets for EEACoreMetadata. [GhitaB - 34f9126
Refs #255585 - Add Sitemap link in footer. [GhiΘΔ BizΔu - a2b9e47
Enable sitemap for mission [Tiberiu Ichim - 2ce7a54
Refs #161489 - Custom listing variation: implement contributions link. [GhitaB - d085959
Refs #161489 - Custom listing variation: improve styles. [GhitaB - 12f1f19
Refs #161489 - Custom listing variation: move styles to less file. [GhitaB - 0e09b43
Refs #161489 - Custom listing variation: fix error in edit, also fix jenkins. [GhitaB - 82c32b5
Refs #161489 - Custom listing variation: install listing. [GhitaB - 6a3c570
Refs #161489 - Custom listing variation: show website link. [GhitaB - ae177e0
Enable fullobjects on listing item [Tiberiu Ichim - d6b91b9
Refs #161489 - Custom listing variation: improve styles. [GhitaB - 50d27e2
Refs #161489 - Custom listing variation: fix grid, styles. [GhitaB - 79fb456
Refs #161489 - Add custom listing variation for items cards used in Observatory About. [GhitaB - cd99466
Refs #161493 - wip jenkins [Tripon Eugen - 665c918
Refs #161493 - observatory country profile [Tripon Eugen - 9dfe890
Refs #161493 - cca country profile and observatory heat index [Tripon Eugen - 6af532b
Add labels [Tiberiu Ichim - 219213d
Fix country map [Tiberiu Ichim - 30fed7d
Remove console.log [Tiberiu Ichim - c98374c
Improvements to casestudy map [Tiberiu Ichim - 9908304
π New Features
feat(cards): title on image font size adjustment when having a large base font size #369 from eea/accessibility-114-scaling-font-size-issues [ichim-david - 4a630cc
feat(cards): added image card grid layout when inside imageCard-items [David Ichim - 8203c34
feat(storybook): add image card storybook with proper storybook controls [David Ichim - 3bcf25f
feat(Fonts): add base token for browser font size scaling [Antonis Tarantilis - 6aced82
π Bug Fixes
fix(contentBox): z-index is placed on before instead of the relative content-box-inner [David Ichim - ab4f2e7
fix(lint): of stylelint that complained about deprecated syntax flag [David Ichim - a591a2e
fix(accessibility): [ACCESSIBILITY 11.4] Common Elements - Font size scaling issues #363 from eea/accessibility-114-scaling-font-size-issues [ichim-david - 00dba6e
fix(cards): removed padding within titles on images [David Ichim - 8688641
fix(accessibility): Header Search Box size #359 from eea/refactor-search-box [ichim-david - 4b4e1ab
fix(stylemenu): remove generic css selectors in favour of specific class #354 from eea/fix-stylemenu-selectors [ichim-david - 402755e
fix(sitemenu): active background color, default slate color was too dark breaking accessibility [David Ichim - 5bcbde5
fix(stylemenu): remove generic css selectors in favour of specific class [nileshgulia1 - 2190ebe
change(storybook): refactored card storybook for greater flexibility [David Ichim - 9f35801
refactor(card): clamp titles [Antonis Tarantilis - f104623
refactor(Header): accessibility updates on dropdowns - Refs #254319 [tarantilis - b16de8a
change(label): ribbon label now has z-index 1 [David Ichim - 83d8705
change(card): removed border that separates image from content area [David Ichim - be4cb55
refactor(Header): replace height with min-height on search box and update input margins [Antonis Tarantilis - 679adaa
change(stylemenu): simplify css to target the color directly on the classes [David Ichim - 4801013
π οΈ Others
Release 1.14.0 [Alin Voinea - cb9084f
test: try storybook upload [valentinab25 - 6d5833d
test: remove useless code [valentinab25 - 2c14b0c
π New Features
feat(carousel): added story example on how to customize the dots to contain accessibility labels [David Ichim - fe5eb46
π Bug Fixes
fix(storybook): controls that broke after the Hero stories [David Ichim - f8e995d
fix: hover and focused border for block child - Refs #255840 [Claudia Ifrim - fdd7783
fix(storybook): popup story react import [David Ichim - 18888f9
fix(accessibility): of carousel arrows, dots and role of carousel as a carousel region [David Ichim - 00257fc
change(carousel): set aria current to current dot button to indicate which slide we are on [David Ichim - e711ec8
refactor: Use EEA countup instead of react-countup - Refs #254634 [dobri1408 - 146d8c2
change(search): added search icon as button for proper accessibility support [ACCESSIBILITY] #360 from eea/refactor-search-input-icon [ichim-david - 8f932ff
change(search): style icon class instead of i.icon [David Ichim - f96a590
change(header): use a real button for search submit [David Ichim - 37e491b
change(header): move handling of key press that checks for enter key to a generic function [David Ichim - 8df5c8a
refactor(SearchBox): add key down handler for search icon [Antonis Tarantilis - 4f46ba5
π οΈ Others
Release 1.15.0 [Alin Voinea - 30152fc
Dependency updates
π New Features
feat: Add headline field to the block field. [VΓctor FernΓ‘ndez de Alba - 5e0ef4e
feat: Add support for custom blocksConfig
. Fix add new block to accordion button. [VΓctor FernΓ‘ndez de Alba - bdf3e97
π Bug Fixes
fix: Fix i18n make command and eslint - Refs #254894 [Alin Voinea - 38bc517
π Internal changes
chore: Cleanup unused .i18n.babel.config.js [Alin Voinea - fc615e9
chore: Cleanup console warnings about styled and fluid [Alin Voinea - 527165f
π οΈ Others
i18n: Add Romanian [Alin Voinea - ecb7414
test: Add cypress for accordion in DX Layout - Refs #254894 [Alin Voinea - 3c9b757
test: add unit tests View and AccordionEdit - Refs #253277 [ana-oprea - 4b780ec
π οΈ Others
Merge pull request #17 from eea/develop [Nilesh - c1ce17d
update minor version [nileshgulia1 - 6d4bbea
Dependency updates
Dependency updates
Dependency updates
π Bug Fixes
fix(accordion): block-chooser and power user menu display issues #76 from eea/develop [ichim-david - c073473
fix(accordion): margin and padding of .item.accordion within power menu [David Ichim - 3a9c8f5
change(accordion): optionally load the menu.variables from eea theme or site theme [David Ichim - e886074
π οΈ Others
added several comments describing what that css fixes [David Ichim - c084a1f
restore z-index value added by community contribution [David Ichim - d78fc69
provide fallback values for variables just to be on the safe side regarding the optional imports [David Ichim - 0057892
lint fix [David Ichim - d903580
udate version from 9.0.1 to 9.1.0 [Claudia Ifrim - 63d82cd
fix prettier [Claudia Ifrim - beb35eb
Refs##255274 - fix css for columns block in accordion block [Claudia Ifrim - 3f01e69
test: Fix to work also with Volto 17.alpha / webpack 5 [Alin Voinea - d17ae38
π New Features
feat: make className prop available to View component [Dante Γlvarez - 8c12c28
π Bug Fixes
fix: th showRestricted option should be used from the configs [Claudia Ifrim - fe9695a
π οΈ Others
Release 9.2.0 [Alin Voinea - 3f77074
π οΈ Others
π οΈ Others
test: add unit tests for utils, ImageCardsView and ImageCardsEdit - Refs #253277 [ana-oprea - 5c88199
π Bug Fixes
fix: Slate not being rendered on view - Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - 66e5f6c
refactor: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - eecfdfc
refactor: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - bb680d1
π οΈ Others
test: add e2e test for Slider and fix cypress:run not showing correct coverage - Refs #254313 [ana-oprea - 6aced9b
refactor: Fix more issues identified by Sonarqube Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - bc34507
refactor: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - cb9a81f
π οΈ Others
test: add unit tests for utils and e2e test for columns - Refs #254313 [ana-oprea - 92348b0
π οΈ Others
Release 6.2.0 [Alin Voinea - e4e254d
π οΈ Others
Fix cases when image_field is null [laszlocseh - b9626e1
test: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - 29fe139
π New Features
feat: introduce setCustomUrl to also track url params [nileshgulia1 - bdc1d04
feat: track url params for campaign reports [nileshgulia1 - b7711b3
π Bug Fixes
fix: use + operator [nileshgulia1 - 0759b11
refactor: remove setCustomUrl as trackPageView uses it in behind [nileshgulia1 - d7485fa
π οΈ Others
Merge pull request #36 from eea/develop [Nilesh - a9d4455
dedupe useEffect dep [nileshgulia1 - 229b8af
π New Features
feat: track searches in matomo [UnaiEtxaburu - 543d0d1
π οΈ Others
Revert "feat: track searches in matomo" [Tiberiu Ichim - 3480480
π οΈ Others
test: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube - Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - c959a61
π οΈ Others
test: add unit tests for AttachedImageWidget, ObjectTypesWidget and delete unreachable branch - Refs #253277 [ana-oprea - f46dd19
π οΈ Others
test: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - 7ca6fe0
π Bug Fixes
fix: link in edit moves page - Refs #254291 [dobri1408 - 04fd659
fix: Prevent links from leaving page in edit - Refs #254291 [dobri1408 - 1f54dc1
π Bug Fixes
π Bug Fixes
fix: child title input [Teodor Voicu - f273238
fix: change title if there is a translation available [Teodor Voicu - 4ab9421
fix(remove): remove old TermWidget [nileshgulia1 - 3e0ec80
fix(taxonomy listing): bbb for eea.api.taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - c2e2968
change(EditTaxonomy): add language select and translation support [nileshgulia1 - be2f2b9
refactor(EditTaxonomy): add insert node at same level button Refs #145360 [nileshgulia1 - 59008a4
refactor(EditTaxonomy): move action buttons inside input wrapper [nileshgulia1 - df50f7a
π οΈ Others
Merge pull request #25 from eea/develop [Nilesh - 6a1cac0
bump version 4.1.0 [Nilesh - de88163
resolve conflicts [Teodor Voicu - e95278e
remove update id from schema [Teodor Voicu - cbdf014
code cleanup [Teodor Voicu - b2b7a6a
fix edit taxonomy fields [Teodor Voicu - 9ce1dac
change styling [Teodor Voicu - cddaa7f
code cleanup [Teodor Voicu - 76b75ff
:fix: enabled to edit children title [Teodor Voicu - ad18cd6
show empty field if no translation provided [Teodor Voicu - 0ff1edc
test: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube - Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - 015433f
test: add unit tests for TaxonomySettings - Refs #253277 [ana-oprea - b747308
fix react.useCallback [nileshgulia1 - 43f7b16
fix eslint [nileshgulia1 - 8e108ce
fix tests [nileshgulia1 - df26a02
Edit taxonomies settings tab [nileshgulia1 - 3845214
support for Edit taxonomy fields [nileshgulia1 - 1d2d262
react usecallback and remove console.logs [nileshgulia1 - ea4fd54
refactor get and delete endpoints [nileshgulia1 - d95be9b
check for duplicated node ids [nileshgulia1 - a640d47
reply no content in update taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - d69b6f3
get parsed data from backend, add icons and toast [nileshgulia1 - faacffe
use uuid as keys [nileshgulia1 - b93fabf
edit taxonomies data with react-tree [nileshgulia1 - 50bad97
add react-sortable-tree [nileshgulia1 - 24cf688
subscribe to store [nileshgulia1 - 1bf27d1
update taxonomy data [nileshgulia1 - 7a85d94
dedupe network calls [nileshgulia1 - f4bfe37
simplified reducers, modified edit taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - e5deb4e
simplified taxonomy schema [nileshgulia1 - 5a85d10
add and delete taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - 615996b
successfull add taxonomy [nileshgulia1 - 725f671
use new endpoint @taxonomySchema to get the add taxonomy schema [nileshgulia1 - 682dff6
π Bug Fixes
fix: Return to http protocol for test - Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - 7ed4309
π οΈ Others
test: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube - Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - 69bb0b7
test: add e2e and unit tests for VersionOverview- Refs #254313 [ana-oprea - 6e24ede
Release 16.1.0 [Alin Voinea - 72cc9a3
Dependency updates
π New Features
feat: add contitions to use linking feature if the field 'Allow linking' is selected [Cretu Mihaela - 76e624d
feat: add selected items ids in query params and implement function to scroll to item if present in URL [Cretu Mihaela - 447c67e
π Bug Fixes
fix: fix hover and focused border for block child section [Claudia Ifrim - 4c18b4f
fix: updating URL when clicking on anchors inside accordion [Cretu Mihaela - c2ecb89
π οΈ Others
Release 9.3.0 [Alin Voinea - 1728aa1
add comment [Claudia Ifrim - 6ccecbf
update snapshots [Cretu Mihaela - 1ab81b5
remove setTimeout and fix useEffect [Cretu Mihaela - 4c765d7
move function outside the component [Cretu Mihaela - aa5c542
remove 'allow linking' checkbox [Cretu Mihaela - 9456684
fix cypress test [Cretu Mihaela - 25d57b2
fix useEffect warning [Cretu Mihaela - b7d28b4
π New Features
feat: add dropdown menu for items in toc getting out of viewport - Refs #254302 [CreΘu Mihaela - db39fec
π οΈ Others
test: Cypress test - Refs #253277 [CreΘu Mihaela - 263be0a
test: Add Cypress tests [CreΘu Mihaela - 5c680b9
refactor: remove volto-widget-view dependency - Refs #254206 [dobri1408 - 3379997
π οΈ Others
Release 6.0.0 [Alin Voinea - 7ff0a06
π Bug Fixes
fix: error prop expecting boolean, not string - Refs #253293 [Teodor Voicu - e9722e5
refactor: Remove volto-widgets-view dependency - Refs #254206 [dobri1408 - a9b712f
π οΈ Others
Release 7.0.0 [Alin Voinea - ab6713f
π New Features
feat: Use the new @eeacms/countup library refs - #254634 [dobri1408 - 95f2e82
π οΈ Others
Release 2.0.0 [Alin Voinea - f9c2246
π Bug Fixes
fix: console error in DefaultView - Refs #253293 [Teodor Voicu - 361798b
π Documentation changes
New packages
Removed packages
@eeacms/volto-widgets-view: 4.2.2
refactor: remove countup - Refs #254634 [dobri1408 - 3995859
refactor: Remove volto-widgets-view dependency - Refs #254206 [dobri1408 - 65c873c
π οΈ Others
Release 17.0.0 [Alin Voinea - 305fee2
π οΈ Others
Release 6.0.0 [Alin Voinea - fd9518c
remove react-countup [Dobricean Ioan Dorian - 8713115
π οΈ Others
test: Fix issues identified by Sonarqube - Refs #254220 [dana-cfc4 - c959a61
π Bug Fixes
fix: error prop expecting boolean, not string - Refs #253293 [Teodor Voicu - e9722e5
π Internal changes
π οΈ Others
Enable development of accordion block [Tiberiu Ichim - 94f0eb8
yarn.lock [Tiberiu Ichim - 4ca523a
yarn.lock [Tiberiu Ichim - a28e0ba
Fix image handling with resolveuid [Tiberiu Ichim - 402e936
New release of converter [Tiberiu Ichim - 25535a1
Better handling of tables [Tiberiu Ichim - 5edeb69
Don't break tables [Tiberiu Ichim - f42a162
Fix video import [Tiberiu Ichim - 317e91c
Fix video import [Tiberiu Ichim - f060b75
Refs #161515 - Accept video tag. [GhitaB - d14fa15
New release of converter [Tiberiu Ichim - c0d62b4
Also support table tags [Tiberiu Ichim - f44bdda
Release new converter [Tiberiu Ichim - 4de77a7
yarn.lock [Tiberiu Ichim - afdc77f
Don't insert 'read more' label; fixes to image [Tiberiu Ichim - 4db0ada
Fix images in converter [Tiberiu Ichim - 267e0a2
Fix image titles in converter [Tiberiu Ichim - 6f39930
Release converter [Tiberiu Ichim - e70d590
Fix image converter [Tiberiu Ichim - ca57549
Update yarn.lock [Tiberiu Ichim - 08875a3
You canβt perform that action at this time.