Dependency updates
💅 Enhancements
change(align): widget to have the default of no value set [David Ichim - b502a2e
🛠️ Others
Release 5.1.0 [Alin Voinea - 4b199b2
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix(labels): wrap labels within a parent div [David Ichim - dc78346
fix(buttons): check for styles from item styling instead of block styles [David Ichim - d5e46cd
💅 Enhancements
change(styling): volto 16.1 styling changes #40 from eea/develop [ichim-david - 2acaaa6
change(item): listing classes to resemble the card classes [David Ichim - 33bb7ed
change(item): date format to that of card data style [David Ichim - 45fc3c1
change(label): color selection for archived now is applied when isExpired is set [David Ichim - 00c7999
change(listing): removed override of volto-block-style [David Ichim - 7102ea2
🛠️ Others
prettier fix and bump package version before release [David Ichim - 40cdf1d
upgrade to Volto 16.1.0 [David Ichim - c270071
Release 10.2.0 [Alin Voinea - eebd873
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