Dependency updates
🚀 New Features
feat(paste): Possibility to cut/copy/paste blocks within/from accordion block - Refs #157469 [dobri1408 - ae0f71a
🛠️ Others
(feat): Possibility to copy/cut/paste blocks within section group block - Refs #157469 [dobri1408 - e9fc098
test(Jenkins): Run tests and cypress with latest canary @plone/volto [Alin Voinea - 2f42e7c
🛠️ Others
Release 5.1.0 [Alin Voinea - 7cd1d6c
use stable volto in jenkins [Miu Razvan - 5459e18
🛠️ Others
💅 Enhancements
refactor(SearchBlockView): Remove shadow as it's already in Volto 16.0.0 [Alin Voinea - 852e822
🛠️ Others
test(Jenkinsfile): Use latest stable Volto for testing [Alin Voinea - 94b770e
🛠️ Others
don't run screen update on scroll event + add withScreenSize hocs [Miu Razvan - ed17a5c
Release 1.1.0 [Alin Voinea - b7b3b85
test(Jenkinsfile): Use latest stable Volto for testing [Alin Voinea - 001188e
Cleanup [Alin Voinea - a39344b
add dependecies [Miu Razvan - 7feee15
test(Jenkins): Run tests and cypress with latest canary @plone/volto [Alin Voinea - 2475f6b
Release 14.0.0 [Alin Voinea - 5a8a4aa
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