Dependency updates
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix(divider): short width option #21 from eea/develop [ichim-david - f59a309
fix(divider): short option width difference on view render #20 from eea/divider-short-fix [ichim-david - d3c10f0
💅 Enhancements
change(divider): avoid duplication and check for theme on styles for adding of parent block [David Ichim - 6e24ccc
🛠️ Others
fix short divider has parent [andreiggr - 371bb78
💅 Enhancements
refactor(carousel.less): remove .full-width class definition from carousel.less file [Miu Razvan - 12453a6
💅 Enhancements
change(eraseIcon): Change title tooltip to Clear block style [Alin Voinea - 0d1cae9
refactor(StyleWrapperEdit.jsx): replace deleteSVG icon with eraserSVG icon [Miu Razvan - 62b83f6
🏠 Internal changes
chore(package.json): update version to 5.2.0 [Miu Razvan - 5cf900c
🚀 New Features
feat(ColumnsBlockEdit.jsx): add eraser icon for delete column style button [Miu Razvan - f966f37
💅 Enhancements
refactor(eraserIcon): Change title tooltip to Clear column style [Alin Voinea - 8b07013
🛠️ Others
Release 6.3.0 [Alin Voinea - fed302e
Release 15.2.0 [Alin Voinea - c02e853
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