Dependency updates
🚀 New Features
feat: add contitions to use linking feature if the field 'Allow linking' is selected [Cretu Mihaela - 76e624d
feat: add selected items ids in query params and implement function to scroll to item if present in URL [Cretu Mihaela - 447c67e
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix: fix hover and focused border for block child section [Claudia Ifrim - 4c18b4f
fix: updating URL when clicking on anchors inside accordion [Cretu Mihaela - c2ecb89
🛠️ Others
Release 9.3.0 [Alin Voinea - 1728aa1
add comment [Claudia Ifrim - 6ccecbf
update snapshots [Cretu Mihaela - 1ab81b5
remove setTimeout and fix useEffect [Cretu Mihaela - 4c765d7
move function outside the component [Cretu Mihaela - aa5c542
remove 'allow linking' checkbox [Cretu Mihaela - 9456684
fix cypress test [Cretu Mihaela - 25d57b2
fix useEffect warning [Cretu Mihaela - b7d28b4
🚀 New Features
feat: add dropdown menu for items in toc getting out of viewport - Refs #254302 [Crețu Mihaela - db39fec
🛠️ Others
test: Cypress test - Refs #253277 [Crețu Mihaela - 263be0a
test: Add Cypress tests [Crețu Mihaela - 5c680b9
💅 Enhancements
refactor: remove volto-widget-view dependency - Refs #254206 [dobri1408 - 3379997
🛠️ Others
Release 6.0.0 [Alin Voinea - 7ff0a06
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix: error prop expecting boolean, not string - Refs #253293 [Teodor Voicu - e9722e5
💅 Enhancements
refactor: Remove volto-widgets-view dependency - Refs #254206 [dobri1408 - a9b712f
🛠️ Others
Release 7.0.0 [Alin Voinea - ab6713f
🚀 New Features
feat: Use the new @eeacms/countup library refs - #254634 [dobri1408 - 95f2e82
🛠️ Others
Release 2.0.0 [Alin Voinea - f9c2246
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix: console error in DefaultView - Refs #253293 [Teodor Voicu - 361798b
🏠 Documentation changes
New packages
Removed packages
@eeacms/volto-widgets-view: 4.2.2
💅 Enhancements
refactor: remove countup - Refs #254634 [dobri1408 - 3995859
refactor: Remove volto-widgets-view dependency - Refs #254206 [dobri1408 - 65c873c
🛠️ Others
Release 17.0.0 [Alin Voinea - 305fee2
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