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eebersol committed Mar 15, 2019
1 parent de18594 commit 29d9384
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Showing 7 changed files with 3,512 additions and 3,449 deletions.
28 changes: 18 additions & 10 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@

def rmv_b(country): # Permet de supprimer le b' qui ce met souvent en general avant le nom du pays, ceci a un rapport avec le type de la variables qui serait un byte ?
return country.replace("b'", "")

def print_result():
f = open("result_per_years.txt", "w")

f.write("country, population, percent, suicide_nbr, year\n")
for line in finallist:
finalline = str(line['country']) + ',' + str(line['population']) + ',' + str(line['percent']) + ',' + str(line['suicide_nbr']) + ',' + str(line['year']) + '\n'
f.write(str(line['country']) + ',' + str(line['population']) + ',' + str(line['percent']) + ',' + str(line['suicide_nbr']) + ',' + str(line['year']) + '\n')

def get_data(country, res_pib_country):

Expand All @@ -17,21 +18,28 @@ def get_data(country, res_pib_country):
return line[33]
return ""

def merge_data():

def merge_data(): # on souhaite merge result_per_country et result_pid_country pour garder que les infornmations significatives
finalist = []

# On open les deux fichiers
with open('result_per_country.txt','rb') as f:
res_per_country = list(f)
del res_per_country[0]
with open('result_pib_country.txt','rb') as f:
res_pib_country = list(f)
del res_pib_country[0]

# On créer et prépare l'entête du nouveau fichier
f = open("result_final.txt", "w")
for elem in res_per_country:

line = str(elem).split(",")
line[0] = line[0].replace("b'", "")

data = get_data(line[0], res_pib_country)
# On parcours le fichier result_per_country
for elem in res_per_country:
line = str(elem).split(",")
line[0] = rmv_b(line[0])
# On recupere dans le fichier result_pib_country, le pays passeé en param
data = get_data(line[0], res_pib_country)
# Si un pays est trouvé on exploit la data
if len(data) > 1:
f.write(line[0] + ',' + line[1] + '%,' + data[:(len(data)-3)] + '\n')

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121 changes: 66 additions & 55 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,79 +1,90 @@
finallist = []
finallist = [] # variable global permettant de stocker la liste final

def print_result_per_year():
f = open("result_per_years.txt", "w")
f.write("country, population, percent, suicide_nbr, year\n")
def rmv_b(country): # Permet de supprimer le b' qui ce met souvent en general avant le nom du pays, ceci a un rapport avec le type de la variables qui serait un byte ?
return country.replace("b'", "")

def print_result_per_year(): # Print le resultat de la premiere merge
newf = open("result_per_years.txt", "w")

newf.write("country, population, suicide_nbr, year\n")
for line in finallist:
finalline = str(line['country']) + ',' + str(line['population']) + ',' + str(line['percent']) + ',' + str(line['suicide_nbr']) + ',' + str(line['year']) + '\n'
newf.write(str(line['country']) + ',' + \
str(line['population']) + ',' + \
str(line['suicide_nbr']) + ',' + \
str(line['year']) + '\n')

def print_result_per_country(country, fd): # Merge les differentes annees pour un meme pays, en une seule ligne
population = 0
suicides = 0
years = 0

def print_result_per_country(country, f):
i = 0
percent_average = 0
suicide_nbr = 0
population = 0
for elem in finallist:
if country == elem['country'] and elem['population'] > 0:
i += 1
percent_average += (elem['population'] * elem["percent"])/100
population = elem['population']
suicide_nbr += elem['suicide_nbr']
if i > 0:
percent_average_suicide = float(((100 * suicide_nbr)/(population))/i)
population = elem['population']
suicides += elem['suicide_nbr']
years += 1
if years > 0:
percent_average_suicide = float(((100 * suicides)/(population))/years)
percent_average_suicide = '%.4f'%(percent_average_suicide)
finalline = country + ',' + str(percent_average_suicide) + ',' + str(suicide_nbr/i) + '\n'
fd.write(country + ',' + str(percent_average_suicide) + ',' + str(suicides/years) + '\n')

def get_average_per_year(dataset, country, year):
percent = 0
suicide = 0
population = 0
def get_average_per_year(dataset, country, year): # Merge les differentes data pour un meme pays et une meme date
suicide = 0
population = 0

for line in dataset:
line = str(line).split(",")
line[0] = line[0].replace("b'", "")
if country == line[0] and year == int(line[1]):
suicide += int(line[4])
population += int(line[5])
if population > 0:
percent = (100 * int(suicide)) / float(population)
obj = {
year += 1
if year == 2016:
# Si c'est le bon pays et la bonne anée alors tu concats les informations
if country == rmv_b(line[0]) and year == int(line[1]):
suicide += int(line[4])
population += int(line[5])

'country' : country,
'year' : year,
'suicide_nbr' : suicide,
'population' : population

if year + 1 == 2017:
get_average_per_year(dataset, country, year)
get_average_per_year(dataset, country, year + 1)

def get_country(dataset):
country = "Albania"
def get_country(dataset): # Recupère la liste de pays
countryList = []
country = 0

for line in dataset:
line = str(line).split(",")
if line[0] != country:
if country and line[0] != country:
country = line[0]
return countryList

with open('master.csv','rb') as f:
mylist = list(f)
countryList = get_country(mylist)
for country in countryList:
country = country.replace("b'", "")
get_average_per_year(mylist, country, 1985)
f = open("result_per_country.txt", "w")
f.write("country, percent_average, suicide_average\n")
for country in countryList:
country = country.replace("b'", "")
print_result_per_country(country, f)
dataset = list(f)
# Recupere la liste des pays
countries = get_country(dataset)
lencountries = len(countries)
i = 0

# Merge les lignes ayant le meme pays et la meme annee
for country in countries:
country = rmv_b(country)
print(country, str(i) + "/" + str(lencountries))
get_average_per_year(dataset, country, 1985)
i += 1

# Print le resultat de la merge

# Merge les differentes annees pour un meme pays, en une seule ligne
fd = open("result_per_country.txt", "w")
fd.write("country, percent_average, suicide_average\n")
for country in countries:
print_result_per_country(rmv_b(country), fd)

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79 changes: 25 additions & 54 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,56 +1,23 @@
import csv

"Country Name",


def rmv_b(country): # Permet de supprimer le b' qui ce met souvent en general avant le nom du pays, ceci a un rapport avec le type de la variables qui serait un byte ?
return country.replace("b'", "")

def print_csv(newlist):
f = open("result_pib_country.txt", "w")

f.write("country, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, average\n")
for line in newlist:
finalline = line['name'] + "," + line['1985'] + "," + line['1986'] + "," + line['1987'] + "," + line['1988'] + "," + line['1989'] + "," + line['1990'] + "," + line['1991'] + "," + line['1992'] + "," + line['1993'] + "," + line['1994'] + "," + line['1995'] + "," + line['1996'] + "," + line['1997'] + "," + line['1998'] + "," + line['1999'] + "," + line['2000'] + "," + line['2001'] + "," + line['2002'] + "," + line['2003'] + "," + line['2004'] + "," + line['2005'] + "," + line['2006'] + "," + line['2007'] + "," + line['2008'] + "," + line['2009'] + "," + line['2010'] + "," + line['2011'] + "," + line['2012'] + "," + line['2013'] + "," + line['2014'] + "," + line['2015'] + "," + line['2016'] + "," + str(line['average'])
f.write(finalline + "\n")
f.write(rmv_b(line['name']) + "," + \
line['1985'] + "," + line['1986'] + "," + line['1987'] + "," + line['1988'] + "," + line['1989'] + "," + line['1990'] + "," + \
line['1991'] + "," + line['1992'] + "," + line['1993'] + "," + line['1994'] + "," + line['1995'] + "," + line['1996'] + "," + \
line['1997'] + "," + line['1998'] + "," + line['1999'] + "," + line['2000'] + "," + line['2001'] + "," + line['2002'] + "," + \
line['2003'] + "," + line['2004'] + "," + line['2005'] + "," + line['2006'] + "," + line['2007'] + "," + line['2008'] + "," + \
line['2009'] + "," + line['2010'] + "," + line['2011'] + "," + line['2012'] + "," + line['2013'] + "," + line['2014'] + "," + \
line['2015'] + "," + line['2016'] + "," + str(line['average']) + '\n')

def get_country():
countryList = []
country = "Albania"
country = 0

with open('master.csv','rb') as f:
dataset = list(f)
for line in dataset:
Expand All @@ -63,29 +30,32 @@ def get_country():
def make_average(line):
average = 0
counter = 0
i = 0
i = 0

for data in line:
data = data.replace('"', "")
if i >= 19 and i <= 60 and data:
if i >= 29 and i <= 60 and data:
if len(data) > 2:
counter += 1
average += float(data)
i += 1
return average/counter

def test(data, countryList):
print(data in countryList)

def exploit_pib():
# On recupere la liste de pays dont nous avons les informations a propos des suicides
countryList = get_country()
newlist = []
newlist = []
# On lit pib.csv
with open('pib.csv','rb') as f:
#On met les data dans une liste
piblist = list(f)

# On parcours la liste pour get les informations dont nous avons besoin
for line in piblist:
line = line.split(',')
line = str(line).split(',')
line[0] = line[0].replace('"', '')
if line[0]in countryList:

if line[0] in countryList:
country_data = {
'name': line[0],
"1985": line[29],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,6 +93,7 @@ def exploit_pib():
"average": make_average(line)
# On display print le resultat

Expand Down

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