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decidable equality
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effectfully committed Jun 12, 2016
1 parent 56d705b commit 54661db
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Showing 5 changed files with 48 additions and 70 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions Data.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module OTT.Data where

open import OTT.Data.Lift public
open import OTT.Data.Fin public
open import OTT.Data.Maybe public
open import OTT.Data.Sum public
open import OTT.Data.W public
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65 changes: 21 additions & 44 deletions Lib/PartDec.agda → Lib/Decidable.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
module OTT.Lib.PartDec where
module OTT.Lib.Decidable where

open import Relation.Nullary public
open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable public
open import Relation.Binary using (Decidable) public

open import Function
open import Relation.Nullary
Expand All @@ -12,59 +16,37 @@ infix 3 _#_

_% = _∘_

data PartDec {α} (A : Set α) : Set α where
yes : A -> PartDec A
no : ¬ A -> PartDec A
none : PartDec A

PartDecidable : {α} {A : Set α} -> (A -> A -> Set α) -> Set α
PartDecidable _~_ = x y -> PartDec (x ~ y)

IsPartSet : {α} -> Set α -> Set α
IsPartSet A = PartDecidable {A = A} _≡_
IsSet : {α} -> Set α -> Set α
IsSet A = Decidable {A = A} _≡_

_#_ : {α} {A : Set α} -> A -> A -> Set α
x # y = PartDec (x ≡ y)
x # y = Dec (x ≡ y)

delim : {α π} {A : Set α} {P : PartDec A -> Set π}
-> ( x -> P (yes x)) -> ( c -> P (no c)) -> P none -> (d : PartDec A) -> P d
delim f g z (yes x) = f x
delim f g z (no c) = g c
delim f g z none = z
delim : {α π} {A : Set α} {P : Dec A -> Set π}
-> ( x -> P (yes x)) -> ( c -> P (no c)) -> (d : Dec A) -> P d
delim f g (yes x) = f x
delim f g (no c) = g c

drec : {α β} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} -> (A -> B) -> (¬ A -> B) -> B -> PartDec A -> B
drec : {α β} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} -> (A -> B) -> (¬ A -> B) -> Dec A -> B
drec = delim

dbind : {α β} {A : Set α} {B : Set β}
-> (A -> PartDec B) -> (¬ A -> PartDec B) -> PartDec A -> PartDec B
dbind f g = drec f g none

dmap : {α β} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} -> (A -> B) -> (¬ A -> ¬ B) -> PartDec A -> PartDec B
dmap f g = dbind (yes ∘ f) (no ∘ g)
dmap : {α β} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} -> (A -> B) -> (¬ A -> ¬ B) -> Dec A -> Dec B
dmap f g = drec (yes ∘ f) (no ∘ g)

sumM2 : {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {C : Set γ}
-> (A -> PartDec C)
-> (B -> PartDec C)
-> (¬ A -> ¬ B -> PartDec C)
-> PartDec A -> PartDec B
-> PartDec C
sumM2 f g h d e = dbind f (λ c -> dbind g (h c) e) d
-> (A -> Dec C) -> (B -> Dec C) -> (¬ A -> ¬ B -> Dec C) -> Dec A -> Dec B -> Dec C
sumM2 f g h d e = drec f (λ c -> drec g (h c) e) d

prodM2 : {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {C : Set γ}
-> (A -> B -> PartDec C)
-> (¬ A -> PartDec C)
-> (¬ B -> PartDec C)
-> PartDec A
-> PartDec B
-> PartDec C
prodM2 h f g d e = dbind (λ x -> dbind (h x) g e) f d
-> (A -> B -> Dec C) -> (¬ A -> Dec C) -> (¬ B -> Dec C) -> Dec A -> Dec B -> Dec C
prodM2 h f g d e = drec (λ x -> drec (h x) g e) f d

sumF2 : {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {C : Set γ}
-> (A -> C) -> (B -> C) -> (¬ A -> ¬ B -> ¬ C) -> PartDec A -> PartDec B -> PartDec C
-> (A -> C) -> (B -> C) -> (¬ A -> ¬ B -> ¬ C) -> Dec A -> Dec B -> Dec C
sumF2 f g h = sumM2 (yes ∘ f) (yes ∘ g) (no % ∘ h)

prodF2 : {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {C : Set γ}
-> (A -> B -> C) -> (¬ A -> ¬ C) -> (¬ B -> ¬ C) -> PartDec A -> PartDec B -> PartDec C
-> (A -> B -> C) -> (¬ A -> ¬ C) -> (¬ B -> ¬ C) -> Dec A -> Dec B -> Dec C
prodF2 h f g = prodM2 (yes % ∘ h) (no ∘ f) (no ∘ g)

dcong : {α β} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} {x y}
Expand All @@ -87,8 +69,3 @@ dhcong₂ : ∀ {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : A -> Set β} {C : Set γ} {x₁ x
-> f x₁ y₁ # f x₂ y₂
dhcong₂ f inj (yes refl) q = dcong (f _) (homo ∘ inj) (q _)
dhcong₂ f inj (no c) q = no (c ∘ inds ∘ inj)
dhcong₂ f inj none q = none

decToPartDec : {α} {A : Set α} -> Dec A -> PartDec A
decToPartDec (yes x) = yes x
decToPartDec (no c) = no c
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Prelude.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ open import Data.Maybe.Base using (Maybe; nothing; just) public
open import Data.Product hiding (,_) renaming (map to pmap) public

open import OTT.Lib.HeteroIndexed public
open import OTT.Lib.PartDec public
open import OTT.Lib.Decidable public

open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Binary
Expand Down
35 changes: 10 additions & 25 deletions Property/Eq.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Data.Nat.Base as Nat

open import OTT.Main

infix 4 _≟_ _≟ᵈ_
infix 4 _≟_

-- TODO?
module _ where
Expand All @@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ module _ where
go (suc (suc n)) nothing (x , xs) = x
go (suc (suc n)) (just e) (x , xs) = go (suc n) e xs

-- We could compare functions with a finite domain for equality.
-- We could compare functions with a finite domain for equality,
-- but then equality can't be `_≡_`.
SemEq : {i a} {α : Level a} {I : Type i} -> Desc I α -> Set
SemEq (var i) =
Expand All @@ -49,14 +50,11 @@ mutual
Eq : {a} {α : Level a} -> Univ α -> Set
Eq bot =
Eq top =
Eq (α ≡ˢˡ β) =
Eq nat =
Eq (enum n) =
Eq (univ α) =
Eq (σ A B) = Eq A × Pi A λ x -> Eq (B x)
Eq (π A B) =
Eq (desc I α) = Eq I
Eq (imu D j) = ExtendEq D
Eq _ =

-- Should there be a separate type class for `imu`?
-- Is there any reason to bother with `desc`?
Expand All @@ -82,53 +80,40 @@ apply {A = imu _ _ } y x = y

_≟ᵈ_ : {i a} {α : Level a} {I : Type i} {{eqI : Eq I}} -> IsPartSet (Desc I α)
var i₁ ≟ᵈ var i₂ = dcong var var-inj (i₁ ≟ i₂)
π A₁ D₁ ≟ᵈ π A₂ D₂ = none -- The only undecidable part.
(D₁ ⊛ E₁) ≟ᵈ (D₂ ⊛ E₂) = dcong₂ _⊛_ ⊛-inj (D₁ ≟ᵈ D₂) (E₁ ≟ᵈ E₂)
var _ ≟ᵈ π _ _ = no λ()
var _ ≟ᵈ (_ ⊛ _) = no λ()
π _ _ ≟ᵈ var _ = no λ()
π _ _ ≟ᵈ (_ ⊛ _) = no λ()
(_ ⊛ _) ≟ᵈ var _ = no λ()
(_ ⊛ _) ≟ᵈ π _ _ = no λ()

decSem : {i a p} {α : Level a} {φ : Level p} {I : Type i}
{F : ⟦ I ⟧ -> Univ φ} {{eqF : {i} -> Eq (F i)}}
-> (D : Desc I α) {{eqD : SemEq D}} -> IsPartSet (⟦ D ⟧ᵈ ⟦ F ⟧ᵒ)
-> (D : Desc I α) {{eqD : SemEq D}} -> IsSet (⟦ D ⟧ᵈ ⟦ F ⟧ᵒ)
decSem (var i) x₁ x₂ = x₁ ≟ x₂
decSem (π A D) {{()}}
decSem (D ⊛ E) {{eqD , eqE}} (s₁ , t₁) (s₂ , t₂) =
decSem D {{eqD}} s₁ s₂ <,>ᵈ decSem E {{eqE}} t₁ t₂

decExtend : {i a p} {α : Level a} {φ : Level p} {I : Type i} {j}
{F : ⟦ I ⟧ -> Univ φ} {{eqF : {i} -> Eq (F i)}}
-> (D : Desc I α) {{eqD : ExtendEq D}} -> IsPartSet (Extend D ⟦ F ⟧ᵒ j)
-> (D : Desc I α) {{eqD : ExtendEq D}} -> IsSet (Extend D ⟦ F ⟧ᵒ j)
decExtend (var i) q₁ q₂ = yes contr
decExtend (π A D) {{eqA , eqD}} (x₁ , e₁) (x₂ , e₂) =
_≟_ {{eqA}} x₁ x₂ <,>ᵈᵒ decExtend (D x₁) {{apply eqD x₁}} e₁
decExtend (D ⊛ E) {{eqD , eqE}} (s₁ , e₁) (s₂ , e₂) =
decSem D {{eqD}} s₁ s₂ <,>ᵈ decExtend E {{eqE}} e₁ e₂

_≟_ : {a} {α : Level a} {A : Univ α} {{eqA : Eq A}} -> IsPartSet ⟦ A ⟧
_≟_ : {a} {α : Level a} {A : Univ α} {{eqA : Eq A}} -> IsSet ⟦ A ⟧
_≟_ {A = bot } () ()
_≟_ {A = top } tt tt = yes prefl
_≟_ {A = α ≡ˢˡ β } {{()}}
_≟_ {A = nat } n₁ n₂ = decToPartDec (n₁ Nat.≟ n₂)
_≟_ {A = enum n } (tag e₁) (tag e₂) =
dcong tag tag-inj (decToPartDec (decEnum n e₁ e₂))
_≟_ {A = nat } n₁ n₂ = n₁ Nat.≟ n₂
_≟_ {A = enum n } (tag e₁) (tag e₂) = dcong tag tag-inj (decEnum n e₁ e₂)
_≟_ {A = univ α } {{()}}
_≟_ {A = σ A B } {{eqA , eqB}} (x₁ , y₁) (x₂ , y₂) =
_≟_ {{eqA}} x₁ x₂ <,>ᵈᵒ _≟_ {{apply eqB x₁}} y₁
_≟_ {A = π A B } {{()}}
_≟_ {A = desc I α} D₁ D₂ = D₁ ≟ᵈ D₂
_≟_ {A = desc I α} {{()}}
_≟_ {A = imu D j } (node e₁) (node e₂) = dcong node node-inj (decExtend D e₁ e₂)

module Test where
open import OTT.Data.Fin
open import OTT.Data.Sum
open import OTT.Data.List

ns₁ : List (list nat ⊕ σ nat fin)
ns₁ = inj₁ (14 ∷ []) ∷ inj₂ (3 , fsuc fzero) ∷ inj₂ (2 , fzero) ∷ []
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14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -188,6 +188,20 @@ elimW : ∀ {a b π} {α : Level a} {β : Level b} {A : Univ α} {B : ⟦ A ⟧
elimW P h (sup x g) = h (λ y -> elimW P h (g y))

An example of generic programming can be found in the `Property/Eq.agda` module which defines this operator:

`_≟_ : ∀ {a} {α : Level a} {A : Univ α} {{eqA : Eq A}} -> (x y : ⟦ A ⟧) -> Dec (x ≡ y)`

It can handle numbers, finite sets, sums, products, lists and many other data types. An example:

ns : List (list nat ⊕ σ nat fin)
ns = inj₁ (1 ∷ 4 ∷ []) ∷ inj₂ (3 , fsuc fzero) ∷ inj₂ (2 , fzero) ∷ []
test : (ns ≟ ns) ≡ yes prefl
test = prefl

There is [an alternative encoding]( in terms of proper propositional descriptions (see [6]), which is a slightly modified version of [7]. It's more standard, more powerful (it's able to express induction-recursion), but also significantly more complicated: data types must be defined mutually with coercions (or maybe we can to use a parametrised module like in the model, but it still doesn't look nice), which results in a giant mutual block. I didn't try to define equality and coercions for descriptions, but I suspect it's much harder than how it's now. I'll go with the current simple approach.

## Not implemented
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