C# Sample App - A modern domain-centric service api reference template
Clone, set the startup project to SampleApp/SampleApp.Api, and run - openapi page (scalar) opens; using the same port and root path shows a basic js UI
Test projects (MSTest) include:
- Test.Unit - unit tests using in-memory DBContext, CleanMoq, mutation testing using Stryker.Net see stryker-config.json
- Test.Integration - integration tests, optional SQL DB TestContainers
- Test.Endpoints - api endpoint testing using MS WebApplicationFactory and optional SQL DB TestContainers
- Test.PlaywrightUI - browser UI tests using SpecFlow and Playwright
- Test.SeleniumUI - browser UI tests using Selenium
- Test.SpecFlow - BDD tests using SpecFlow and Selenium
- Test.Load - load testing using NBomber
- Test.Benchmarks - benchmark testing using BenchmarkDotNet and optional SQL DB TestContainers
- Test.Architecture - architecture tests using NetArchTest.Rules
- Test.Console - console app tester for manually hitting the api http & gRPC endpoints
Test.Integration, Test.Endpoints, Test.Benchmarks can be configured to spin up a DB container which requires a local container environment Docker Desktop
Some tests are ignored by default because they require further setup/integration
- Test.PlaywrightUI uses Playwright which requires browser binaries to be installed (pwsh bin/Debug/net8.0/playwright.ps1 install).
- Test.SeleniumUI, Test.SpecFlow (UI feature) tests use Selenium which requires the appropriate versions of Chrome and Edge.
- Test.Load, Test.PlaywrightUI, Test.SeleniumUI, Test.SpecFlow (UI feature) require the app to be running in order to run the Load, Playwright, & Selenium UI tests. Open and run the solution in one VS, open into another VS instance to run the UI dependent tests.
- AzureBlobStorageTests needs either Azurite (https://www.npmjs.com/package/azurite) or an Azure storage account
- CosmosDbTests needs either the CosmosDb emulator (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/local-emulator?tabs=ssl-netstd21) or an Azure CosmosDb Account
- AzureTableRepositoryTests needs Azurite or Storage or Cosmos Table Api
- KeyVaultManagerTests needs an Azure KeyVault
- RapidApi tests require credentials (key & host headers) - https://rapidapi.com/ (free account)
- OpenAI Api tests require credentials (key) - https://platform.openai.com/docs/introduction/overview (paid account)
Chaos testing can be configured in the the api appsettings.json file for introducing chaos to backend (external) api calls (https://www.pollydocs.org/chaos/)
- Ensure latest Azure Functions tooling is installed (VS-Tools-Options-Projects & Solutions-Azure Functions-Check For Updates)
- Running the Azure Functions project requires various integrations set up
- Blob/Queue Functions - run Azurite or a real storage account
- EventGrid Functions - tunnel back to local using VS Dev Tunnels (public) or ngrok url (auto-validate) EventGrid-Topic-Subscription url/runtime/webhooks/EventGrid?functionName=EventGridTriggerCustom
- Started from Microsoft's Todo sample api (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/tutorials/first-web-api)
- This sample uses Entity Framework Core in-memory DbContext by default, so restarting the app clears the DB
- This solution provides a possible starting template for building service apis and is not production-ready (in-memory database, no authentication, etc)
- Package.Infrastructure projects are meant to reside in a nuget package feed, but for simplicity and portability of this sample, the source projects are included and referenced directly
- Package.Infrastructure.Storage & Functions.FunctionBlobTrigger - install and run latest azurite storage emulator (https://www.npmjs.com/package/azurite)
- npm install -g azurite
- (if needed for Powershell) Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
- azurite -s -l c:\azurite -d c:\temp\azurite\debug.log
- if there is an error around Azurite not supporting the latest version of the Azure Storage SDK, use the --skipApiVersionCheck flag
- Package.Infrastructure.CosmosDb - install and run latest CosmosDB emulator
- Azure Storage Explorer is usefull for blobs/queues/tables
- Tunneling for EventGrid Functions - use VS Dev Tunnels or ngrok/tunnel to https://localhost:port IIS express
- ngrok http https://localhost:44339 --host-header="localhost:44339"