This is a series of sessions that will be spread out through the Fall of 2020. The coding tool we will be using is, so no need to install anything before the sessions.
- Basic HTML document structure
- HTML tags and attributes
- Linking pages and resources
- Adding stylesheets (CSS)
- Targeting styles with classes
- Paddings and margins
- Layout and positioning
- Styling to match a spec (figma)
- CSS animations and transitions
- Responsive CSS and media queries (dark mode)
- 3D effects
- Variables
- Functions
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Manipulate HTML elements
- Immutability, side-effects, pure functions and functional programming
- Using template literal strings as simple components
- Fetching data from an API
- Calling an api with Javascript
- Rendering HTML based on API results
- Your first React component
- JSX: It's like a function, but looks like HTML
- Node, Yarn and Parcel – setting it up on your own machine
- ESLint and Prettier for consistent code formatting and to follow best practices
- Hosting an app
- Github Pages
- Netlify
- Using for data storage
- How to set up a Sanity project
- Fetching from Sanity to an application
- Rendering based on data from Sanity
- It's like a journal for your code projects
- Git makes collaboration easier
- Parallel work tracks with Branches and Pull requests
- How to publish your website / app with GitHub Pages
- Rules of thumb
- Video elements