An awesome repository to collect various resources related to ad, tracker, and other malicious resource blocking.
Git repos are preferred because they can be cloned and used completely offline. They can be transferred to new owner ship, forked to focus on new concerns and cloned via distributed protocols or even sneaker net.
These resources are mostly related to blocking things at the host level i.e. IP, URL, and maybe ASN.
- hBlock
- StevenBlack-hosts: Consolidating and extending hosts files from several well-curated sources. You can optionally pick extensions to block pornography, social media, and other categories.
- FadeMind-hosts.extras: Extra rules for StevenBlack's hosts project (above).
- BarbBlock
- block
- fanboy-adblock
- FilterLists
- FreeContributor
- hostsblock
- maza-ad-blocking
- notrack-blocklists
- blocklists
- Badd-Boyz-Hosts: A hosts file for use on any operating system to block bad domains out of your servers or devices.
- hmirror: Mirror of multiple third-party blocklists (updated daily).
- hosts-blocklists: Automatically updated, moderated and optimized lists for blocking ads, trackers, malware and other garbage.
- Data from the largest and longest measurement of online tracking.
- uBlock
- uBlockProtector
- uAssets: Resources for uBlock Origin, uMatrix: static filter lists, ready-to-use rulesets, etc.
- Block-Site
- adblockradio
- CanvasBlocker
- EMailTrackerBlocker
- ping-blocker
- SponsorBlock
- referrer-spam-list: Community-contributed list of referrer spammers.
- adblock-nocoin-list: Block lists to prevent JavaScript miners
- CoinBlockerLists: Simple lists that can help prevent cryptomining in the browser or other applications.
- MinerBlock
These resources are served by conventional URLs and thus have not history. They will also be harder to transfer to a new maintainer if the original maintainer moves on.
- Cyber volunteers release blocklists for 26,000 COVID-19 threats
- URL blocklist
- domain blocklist
- NOTE: The hash and ip blocklists are unpopulated as of Oct 6, 2020, 11:17 PM MST.
- NeuralBlock (ajayyy's fork): Neural Network that detects in-video YouTube sponsorships.
- SponsorBlock: Skip YouTube video sponsors (browser extension)
- SponsorBlockServer: Skip YouTube video sponsors (server side portion)
- SponSkrub (yt-dlp's fork, now archived): Strip advertisements from downloaded YouTube videos
- mpv_sponsorblock: mpv script to skip sponsored segments of YouTube videos