Originally started from tutorial at https://spring.io/guides/gs/spring-boot/ but with added
- Thymeleaf MVC
- counter operation
- Springdoc api documentation
- "runme" scripts
- integration tests
- resteasy tests
- robot acceptance test
- GitHub Actions build
- AWS CodeBuild build
- CodeCov integration
- Dockerfile
- Vagrantfile
Answers to http://localhost:8080/ (GET) and http://localhost:8080/add (POST), latter being JSON interface.
See http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html for usage.
# build container from Dockerfile
docker build -t spring-boot-example .
# run container
docker run -ti -p --rm spring-boot-example
# call your container
curl `docker-machine ip default`:8080
# stop your container
# debug something
docker ps
For Docker job on AWS, see Docker sample for CodeBuild