Produgotchi is an AI powered Chrome extension that encourages you to stay on task! It works by asking you what you're working on, and it will run analysis on webpage data to determine if it's related to your task. Your Produgotchi will visually be sad if you're not on task, or happy if you are!
First, install locally to your machine
git clone
Next, visit chrome://extensions on your Chrome web browser, click "Load unpacked" on the top left, select the produgotchi folder, then enable to extension.
Your Produgotchi should appear on the next page you open!
- Custom dog art for your Produgotchi
- AI powered chatbot functionality
- Custom reactions to when you're on or off task
This extension is entirely written in JavaScript.
chatjs: Backend for communicating with Google Vertex AI
content.js: Frontend for designing user interface