I had some wifi bulbs that I was given like 5 years ago or so and I wanted to automate them with AutoHotkey. I noticed they were using port 6668, so chances were they could use Tuya Cloud API and since there was no ahk library for dealing with them I made my own.
Now I've read Tuya is known for changing their API a lot and making it hard on purpose for users to deal directly with their IoT devices (which was my idea in the first place). However, this is working as of 15/Feb/2024.
graph LR
A[AutoHotkey<br>Build cmd] -.- B((Bulb))
A --> C1{Sign Request}
C1 --> C(HTTP Query)
D[(Tuya Cloud)] --> B
C --> D
classDef ahk fill:#586,stroke:#333;
classDef bulb fill:#990,stroke:#333;
classDef sign fill:#888,stroke:#333;
classDef tuya fill:#F50,stroke:#333;
class A ahk
class C1 sign
class B bulb
class D tuya
tuyaApi := new TuyaApi()
tuyaApi.cfg.debug := 1 ; Get notified of errors (default off)
Quick Note: getToken is not always necessary since this lib is able to detect invalid or deprecated tokens and recreate a valid token on its own when performing an action.
; Turn on light
tuyaApi.toggleOn(tuyaApi.devices[1].id, "true") ; Returns status 200 if successful
; Turn off light
tuyaApi.toggleOn(tuyaApi.devices[1].id, "false")
; Turns on light, sets luminosity to 1000 (max [10-1000]) and warmness to 0 (warmest [0-1000])
tuyaApi.setNormalLightStatus(tuyaApi.devices[1].id, "true", "1000", "0")
; Turns on light, sets HSV values to: h:240 -> blue, saturation -> 1000, value -> 1000
tuyaApi.setHSVLightStatus(tuyaApi.devices[1].id, "true", "240", "1000", "1000")
bulb1_info := tuyaApi.getDeviceInfo(tuyaApi.devices[1].id) ; Get info of a specific device
devices_info := tuyaApi.getDevicesInfo(tuyaApi.devices) ; Get info of each registered device
bulb1_stats := tuyaApi.getDeviceStats(tuyaApi.devices[1].id) ; Get stats of a scpecific device
devices_stats := tuyaApi.getDevicesStats(tuyaApi.devices) ; Get stats of each registered device
"debug": false,
"url": "https://openapi.tuyaeu.com",
"client_id": "9647axf8vtyuqtwugjnd",
"secret": "aa75b183b4v757aba8db85u8945c7acf",
"project_code": "p1807878438912hout6r"
"type": "bulb",
"name": "Smart Bulb",
"id": "07468567f4cfa678542d",
"product_id": "1urlnfjaiklk4dly"
"type": "bulb",
"name": "Smart Bulb 2",
"id": "03740273f4cfa2289311",
"product_id": "irsteipfgt0kt7rco"
AutoHotkey ->> Tuya API: GetToken()
Tuya API-->>AutoHotkey: TokenData
AutoHotkey ->> Tuya API: RunAction(token, body)
Tuya API->> Bulb: Turn On at 50%
Bulb ->> Tuya API: ACK
Tuya API->> AutoHotkey: Command completed successfully
Note right of Bulb: Bulbs have a reverse<br>connection towards<br>Tuya IoT services so<br>we need Tuya as a<br>Middleman to establish<br> a connection.
I have implemented but not yet used refresh tokens, feel free to improve this library by doing a pull request.
I do not have nor automate IoT stuff myself nor I tend to create AutoHotkey libs for others (I'm more and more leaning towards doing so though lately because I'm planning to make Udemy Courses or video content on AutoHotkey development), so any suggestion is greatly appreciated.
This project was written with AutoHotkey v1 in mind, if you want to port it to AHK v2 or want some advise on it, you can find me on Discord.