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Do not show missing default course playlist if the config is not available yet #108

Do not show missing default course playlist if the config is not available yet

Do not show missing default course playlist if the config is not available yet #108

Workflow file for this run

name: Run plugin tests
- master
- master
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup PHP with Composer
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: '8.2'
tools: composer:v2
- name: Install node
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: 22.x
- name: Build Opencast plugin
run: npm run build-dev
- name: Start containers
working-directory: ./.github/docker
run: docker compose up --wait
# Needed as studip directory has root owner and chown on whole directory takes too long
- name: Allow read, write and execute for all users in data and plugin directory
working-directory: ./.github/docker
run: docker compose exec studip chmod -R 777 data public/plugins_packages
# Auto migrate in studip image seems to be broken
- name: Migrate studip
working-directory: ./.github/docker
run: docker compose exec studip php ./cli/studip migrate
- name: Register plugin
working-directory: ./.github/docker
run: docker compose exec studip php ./cli/studip plugin:register public/plugins_packages/elan-ev/OpencastV3
- name: Activate plugin
working-directory: ./.github/docker
run: docker compose exec studip php ./cli/studip plugin:activate OpencastV3
- name: Configure plugin
working-directory: ./.github/docker
run: docker compose exec -T studip_db mysql -u studip_user --password=studip_password studip_db < ./oc.sql
- name: Trigger playlists migration to Opencast
run: curl http://localhost/plugins.php/opencastv3/api/migrate_playlists -u root@studip:testing
- name: Run tests
run: npm run tests
- name: Stop containers
working-directory: ./.github/docker
if: always()
run: docker compose down