C++ library for using REAPER API through an object oriented interface. Warning: Large changes will be made to continue to make this library easy to use.
Functions to manipulate the REAPER project.
Functions to read/write/manipulate audio either from TAKE or arbitrary data.
Functions to manipulate a midi note or to create new midi notes in TAKE.
Holds a list of MIDINOTE to manipulate TAKE midi.
Functions to manipulate a MediaItem_Take*
and access take audio. Owns an AUDIODATA object.
Functions to gather takes. Holds a list of TAKE.
Functions to manipulate a MediaItem*
. Owns a TAKELIST.
Functions to gather items. Holds a list of ITEM.
Functions to gather groups of items based on item grouping, or if overlapping or touching. Holds a list of ITEMLIST.
Functions to manipulate MediaTrack*
Functions to gather tracks. Holds a list of TRACK.
Functions to manipulate project markers and regions.
Functions to gather project markers and regions. Holds a list of MARKER.
Functions to manipulate stretch markers inside a MediaTake*
Functions to gather stretch markers. Holds a list of STRETCHMARKER.
Functions to manipulate a point in ENVELOPE.
Functions to manipulate a TrackEnvelope*. Holds a list of ENVPT.
Functions to manipulate automation items.
Functions to gather automation items. Holds a list of AUTOITEM.