❗ | This is a mirror of https://git.sr.ht/~ecc/vim-qalc. Please refrain from using GitHub's issue and PR system. |
Simple integration with qalc
for vim, to make calculations easier
Use your favourite plugin manager. For example with Vundle.vim:
Plugin 'eleanor-clifford/vim-qalc'
- libqalculate
- skywind3000/asyncrun.vim to enable evaluating an expression into a quickfix window
You can evaluate expressions in a few ways. Here are the default mappings
(disabled with let g:qalc_mappings = 0
). Note that the terminal and quickfix
options only work with vim (not neovim) at the moment.
" Run into a quickfix window (requires AsyncRun)
vnoremap <leader>xq :call qalc#ToQuickfix()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>xq viW:call qalc#ToQuickfix()<CR>
" Evaluate and put it in the active register
vnoremap <leader>xr :call qalc#ToRegister(v:register)<CR>
nnoremap <leader>xr viW:call qalc#ToRegister(v:register)<CR>
" Evaluate and overwrite
vnoremap <leader>x<leader> :call qalc#Substitute()<CR>
nnoremap <leader>x<leader> viW:call qalc#Substitute()<CR>
" Evaluate and put it in the " register
vnoremap <leader>xx :call qalc#ToRegister(v:register)<CR>
nnoremap <leader>xx viW"":call qalc#ToRegister(v:register)<CR>
" Open qalc in a terminal window
noremap <leader>xt :term ++close qalc<CR>