Objects/Actions :: From Spreadsheets to Full Stack
Interactive Documentation and Demo Site: oaexample.com/oa/readme
Build a scalable, secure API and CMS in Django, a fully integrated and authenticating ReactJS web app, end-to-end tests with Cypress.io and API load tests with K6. Includes OAuth logins from Google, Facebook, Spotify, SMS, and pretty much social network that provides OAuth.
- Document your Idea and Database
- Quickly scaffold scalable Apps & APIs. Including:
- Authentication with Email, SMS, and nearly every social network
- Access Controls for User Groups and content ownership context
- Web App interface with API connectivity
- Data generator to create unlimited content data to test and prototype, and the base data for your Cypress tests
- Complete End-To-End tests for functionality and content permissions:
Offer Sign-in / Sign-up from any of these AllAuth Providers
Follow oaexample.com/oa/install
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Follow oaexample.com/oa/extend
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