To interact with the PiggyBank Smart Contract, you would need to have erdpy
To derive the wallet pem file, check the docs Deriving the Wallet PEM file
- Elrond Smart Contracts - interacting using erdpy
- Elrond Smart Contracts - interacting using simple front-end app
erdpy contract build
Important You would need some xEGLD on the testnet. There is one faucet which you can use: Sometimes it won't be able to send a lot of xEGLD. You can also use devnet, where you should be able to use a web wallet's built-in faucet.
Deploy the contract:
erdpy --verbose contract deploy --chain="T" --project=piggybank --pem="wallets/test.pem" --gas-limit=80000000 --proxy="" --recall-nonce --send
Smart Contract deployment. You will need to do this once.
The project name is piggybank,
and the pem file is located in wallets/test.pem
Upgrade the contract:
erdpy --verbose contract upgrade {smart_contract_address_here} --chain="T" --project=piggybank --pem="wallets/test.pem" --gas-limit=80000000 --proxy="" --recall-nonce --send
If there are changes in the contract, you can upgrade it.
Create the Piggy:
erdpy --verbose contract call {smart_contract_address_here} --chain="T" --pem="wallets/test.pem" --gas-limit=5000000 --function="create_piggy" --arguments 1628619457 --proxy="" --recall-nonce --send
As an argument for the create_piggy
function, we will pass the timestamp for the lock time (should be in the future of course).
Add amount:
erdpy --verbose contract call {smart_contract_address_here} --chain="T" --pem="wallets/test.pem" --gas-limit=5000000 --function="add_amount" --value=1000000000000000000 --proxy="" --recall-nonce --send
We are adding one xEGLD (denomination 18, this is why it is, in fact, 1000000000000000000).
Get amount:
erdpy --verbose contract call {smart_contract_address_here} --chain="T" --pem="wallets/test.pem" --gas-limit=5000000 --function="amount" --proxy="" --recall-nonce --send
erdpy --verbose contract call {smart_contract_address_here} --chain="T" --pem="wallets/test.pem" --gas-limit=5000000 --function="pay_out" --proxy="" --recall-nonce --send
It will check if you can withdraw. It will compare lock time and the current block timestamp.