A Node.js wrapper for the wkhtmltoimage command line tool. It converts HTML documents to images using WebKit. This was originally based on node-wkhtmltopdf and was written for thumbsrc.com.
var wkhtmltoimage = require('wkhtmltoimage');
// Optionally specify binary path
var wkhtmltoimage = require('wkhtmltoimage').setCommand(__dirname + '/bin/wkhtmltoimage');
// URL
wkhtmltoimage.generate('http://example.com/', { pageSize: 'letter' })
wkhtmltoimage.generate('<h1>Hello world</h1>')
// output to a file directly
wkhtmltoimage.generate('http://example.com/', { output: 'out.jpg' });
// Optional callback
wkhtmltoimage.generate('http://example.com/', { pageSize: 'letter' }, function (code, signal) {
wkhtmltoimage.generate('http://example.com/', function (code, signal) {
is just a function, which you call with either a URL or an inline HTML string, and it returns a stream that you can read from or pipe to wherever you like (e.g. a file, or an HTTP response).
There are many options available to wkhtmltoimage. All of the command line options are supported as documented on the page linked to above. The options are camelCased instead-of-dashed as in the command line tool.
There is also an output
option that can be used to write the output directly to a filename, instead of returning a stream.
First, you need to install the wkhtmltoimage (included with wkhtmltopdf) command line tool on your system. The easiest way to do this is to download a prebuilt version for your system.
Then install the node module, use npm
npm install wkhtmltoimage
Be sure wkhtmltoimage
is in your PATH when you're done installing. Alternatively, use .setCommand(path) to specify the binary path.