- Create a blank HTML document.
- Plan out how the elements on the page need to be grouped together.
- Lay out the empty semantic HTML elements for the major sections (form, sidebar, footer…) and make them the proper size and + alignment. It may be helpful to change their background colors while you’re positioning them on the page. Don’t forget to use
- your browser’s developer tools (right click on the page, click “inspect element”)!
- Fill in those elements with the content you want to include.
- Now style them to look like the real webpage.
- Push your solution up to Github and you’re good to go!
This project consists of building an HTML document that matches the appearance of mint.com’s signup page
You can find the original project specification at: https://www.theodinproject.com/courses/html5-and-css3/lessons/html-forms
- CSS and HTML
- Flexbox
- Form and input tags
- Media queries
- Fontawesome
This is a static page and was made using CSS & HTML, you don't need . anything to start up this page, is already published in a public repository so you can check the final result. For a better understanding of the code read about FlexBox.
👤 Xóchitl Selene Flores Pérez
- Github: @enelesmai
- Twitter: @enelesmai
- Linkedin: xochitlselene
👤 Ruben Paz Chuspe
- Github: @rubenpazch
- Linkedin: rubenpch
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the (https://github.com/enelesmai/htmlforms/issues).
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc
This project is MIT licensed.