R4MVC is a Roslyn based code generator for ASP.NET MVC Core apps that creates strongly typed helpers that eliminate the use of literal strings in many places.
It is a re-implementation of T4MVC for ASP.NET Core projects.
R4MVC runs in the dotnet cli or in Visual Studio 2017/2019/2022, and supports ASP.NET Core MVC 1 and 2
Instead of
@Html.ActionLink("Dinner Details", "Details", "Dinners", new { id = Model.DinnerID }, null)
R4MVC lets you write
@Html.ActionLink("Dinner Details", MVC.Dinners.Details(Model.DinnerID))
When you're using tag helpers, instead of
<a asp-action="Details" asp-controller="Dinners" asp-route-id="@Model.DinnerID">Dinner Details</a>
you can write (after registering R4Mvc tag helpers in _ViewImports.cshtml with the directive: @addTagHelper *, R4Mvc
<a mvc-action="MVC.Dinners.Details(Model.DinnerID)">Dinner Details</a>
and that's just the beginning!
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