##Description Ensemble is a music collaboration platform where like minded musicians can discover unfinished but promising projects that they can contribute to.
Browsing through the different projects created by other Ensemble users, a collaborating musician can stream the master track of a project. Having done this they can then request permission from the projects founding user to contribute. Once this founding user has given their permission, the contributing user is then able to open a branch or sub-section of the original project.
Within this branch it's possible to first download the master track and then upload an altered version, presumably with the contributing users musical contribution. For example, a singer creates a project with their voice on the master track, a guitarist would then be able to download it, and add their guitar riff.
The contributing user can then send this branch off for the consideration of the founding user, in the form of a mix request.
If the founding user likes what they hear, they are then able to nominate this altered track to be the main track of the project, i.e. the track which would then be present on the main project page, and would in turn be listened to by more potential contributing users.
The idea is that this process would be repeated until the track or piece of music came to fruition.
Ensemble, a place where music gets made.
##Built and Tested With
- Ruby on Rails
- HTML, SCSS & Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- RSpec, Capybara, Factory Girl
- PostgreSQL
Felix Harrison, Frankie Bell, Laurent Bouhnik, Li Beh, Tom Page
- Mary Rose Cook
- Makers Academy