A laryngitis mobile detection app, which will use LSTM-RNN and Acoustic Voice Quality Index (AVQI).
This is a ReactNative mobile application served over Flask microframework.
Backend requirements
- Python: 2.7
- See virtual_requirements.txt
- NodeJS: 6.11.4
- NPM: 3.10.10
- Exp: 46.0.3
- Expo SDK: 24.00
- React: 16.1.1
- ReactNative: 0.50.3
# For frontend
cd frontend
npm install
# For backend
cd ../backend
virtualenv -p python venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements
# For frontend
cd frontend
# Hot reload, use Expo client to scan QR code
exp start
# If you have a connected Android device use,
# Note: Hot-reload
exp android
# For backend
cd ../backend
export FLASK_APP=app.py
flask app
# Alternatively,
python app.py