master branch:
develop branch:
This module manages the installation of Net-SNMP client, server, and trap server. It also can create a SNMPv3 user with authentication and privacy passwords.
- Installs the SNMP client package and configuration.
- Installs the SNMP daemon package, service, and configuration.
- Installs the SNMP trap daemon service and configuration.
- Creates a SNMPv3 user with authentication and encryption paswords.
OS Support:
- RedHat family - tested on CentOS 5.9 and CentOS 6.4
- SuSE family - tested on SLES 11 SP1
- Debian family - tested on Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, Debian 6.0.7, and Debian 7.0
- FreeBSD family - tested on FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE, FreeBSD 10.0-RELEASE
Class documentation is available via puppetdoc.
To install the SNMP service:
class { 'snmp':
agentaddress => [ 'udp:161', ],
ro_community => 'notpublic',
ro_network => '',
contact => '[email protected]',
location => 'Phoenix, AZ',
To install the SNMP service and the client:
class { 'snmp':
install_client => true,
snmp_config => [ 'defVersion 2c', 'defCommunity public', ],
If you just want to install the SNMP client:
class { 'snmp::client':
snmp_config => [ 'mibdirs +/usr/local/share/snmp/mibs', ],
Only configure and run the snmptrap daemon:
class { 'snmp':
snmptrapdaddr => [ 'udp:162', ],
ro_community => 'SeCrEt',
service_ensure => 'stopped',
trap_service_ensure => 'running',
trap_service_enable => true,
trap_handlers => [
'default /usr/bin/perl /usr/bin/traptoemail [email protected]',
'TRAP-TEST-MIB::demo-trap /home/user/ demo-trap',
trap_forwards => [ 'default udp:' ],
To install a SNMP version 3 user for snmpd:
snmp::snmpv3_user { 'myuser':
authpass => '1234auth',
privpass => '5678priv',
To install a SNMP version 3 user for snmptrapd:
snmp::snmpv3_user { 'myuser':
authpass => 'SeCrEt',
privpass => 'PhRaSe',
daemon => 'snmptrapd',
- Only tested on CentOS 5.9, CentOS 6.4, Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS, Debian squeeze, and Debian wheezy x86_64.
- SNMPv3 user auth is not yet tested on Debian or Suse osfamilies.
- There is a bug on Debian squeeze of net-snmp's status script. If snmptrapd is
not running the status script returns 'not running' so puppet restarts the
snmpd service. The following is a workaround:
class { 'snmp': service_hasstatus => false, trap_service_hasstatus => false, }
- For security reasons, the SNMP daemons are configured to listen on the loopback
interface ( Use
to change this configuration.
- Debian will not support the use of non-numeric OIDs. Something about rabid freedom.
- Figure out how to install the RFC-standard MIBS on Debian so that
snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost system
will function. - Possibly support USM and VACM?
The classes snmp::server
and snmp::trapd
will be merged into class snmp
version 3.0.0 of this module. All of their class parameters will be made
available in the snmp
Please see LICENSE file.
Copyright (C) 2012 Mike Arnold [email protected]