NOTE: This is work-in-progress repository for the migration of Airflow's webserver from Flask-Admin to Flask-AppBuilder (FAB).
The goal of this Airflow Webserver fork is to leverage FAB's build-in security features to introduce the following capabilities in the UI:
- role-based access control
- dag-level permissions
- support for various authentications backends (OAuth, OpenID, Database, LDAP, etc.)
Airflow-Webserver will potentially be merged back into Airflow's source code in the near future.
Contributions are welcome!
Airflow-Webserver is written on top of Airflow 1.9.0, which is not currently in PyPI. Make sure you have airflow 1.9.0 or above installed before attempting the setup below.
To install Flask-AppBuilder
`pip install flask-appbuilder`
To create an admin account
`cd flask-appbuilder` `fabmanager create-admin`
To set up the database object, modify the SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI variable in to your Airflow db. Note this will generate new tables which FAB uses for its security model.
`fabmanager create-db`
To start the webserver
`fabmanager run`
- I am actively contributing to Flask-Appbuilder to support backward-compatibility with existing Airflow features, and some of these features have not been rolled out to the latest release, including support for models with binary-type column and composite primary key. There are open PRs that are addressing these issues.
- Default roles/permissions configurations is a demo of FAB's RBAC feature, which requires some fine-tuning
- Miscellaneous features for all the model views (marked by the TODOs in the file)
- Testing/verification of integrations with various authentication backends
- FAB features including support for models with binary-type column (i.e. Variables) and composite primary key (i.e task instance)
- DAG-level access control
- Tests