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DEV, Development Environment

Tamás Kőhegyi edited this page May 22, 2021 · 10 revisions

Software Requirements

  • OpenJdk 13
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (or similar IDE for Java programming)
  • Git

Getting Source

Project is available in a git repository on GitHub, the repository URL is:  

Building the project with Gradle

Please see this Wiki page about how to build Wilma and additional components.

Running the applications

To run Wilma, execute the following command:

java -jar wilma-2.0.x.jar

Note: replace 'x' with the ID you find in the jar file name.

This will use the default property file.

Optional: To run Wilma Message Search, execute the following command:

java -jar wilma-message-search-2.0.x.jar

Note: replace 'x' with the ID you find in the jar file name.

Note2: Use java JDK (with JRE it won't work).

Note3: In case you use Wilma Message Search Application, you must start this before any other Wilma instance that provide messages for the search.

Running/debugging the project

Use standard Gradle Run/Debug capabilities of your IDE.

Certificate Handling

Wilma has a wilma.jks file that should be used by apps using Wilma as proxy/stub, in case of secure connection (like httpS). The password of the wilma.jks is: vvilma

The tool that is used to create/manipulate the wilma.cer and wilma.jks is: PORTECLE  

FYI, if you need to establish 2-way SSL connection, Wilma itself must be started with a jks that has the necessary certificate imported.

Notes on CI, and info on how official version is created

We use Jenkins jobs to establish CI/CT/CD environments.

  • The following command is used to CI build of Wilma & Wilma Message Search:
chmod 755 ./gradlew

#create "Wilma Stub Service and Proxy Application" and "Wilma Message Search Application"
./gradlew -PlocalRepository=file:///opt/wilma/repo/ clean docs build release sonarqube -PbuildNumber=$BUILD_NUMBER
  • The following command is used to run functional tests for Wilma (please note, that before it, Wilma and Wilma Test Server is deployed and started on the test environment):
chmod 755 ./gradlew

#run functional test
./gradlew runFunctionalTest
  • Deploy to Continuous Test Environment

See more information on how the compiled Wilma components are deployed and started on the test environment here.

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