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Realtime analytics server for AI DIAL. The service consumes the logs stream AI DIAL Core, analyzes the conversation and writes the analytics to InfluxDB


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Realtime analytics server for AI DIAL. The service consumes the logs stream from AI DIAL Core, analyzes the conversation and writes the analytics to the InfluxDB.

Refer to Documentation to learn how to configure AI DAL Core and other necessary components.


Check the AI DIAL Core documentation to configure the way to send the logs to the instance of the realtime analytics server.

The realtime analytics server analyzes the logs stream provided by Vector in the realtime and writes metrics to the InfluxDB.

The logs for /chat/completions and /embeddings endpoints are saved to the analytics measurement with the following tags and fields:

Tag Description
model The model name for the request.
deployment The deployment name of the model or application for the request.
parent_deployment The deployment name of the model or application that called the current deployment.
execution_path A list of deployment calls representing the call stack of the request. E.g. ['app1', 'app2', 'model1'] means app1 called app2 and app2 called model1. The last element of the list equals to the deployment tag. The penultimate element of the list (when present) equals to the parent_deployment tag.
trace_id OpenTelemetry trace ID.
core_span_id OpenTelemetry span ID generated by DIAL Core.
core_parent_span_id OpenTelemetry span ID generated by DIAL Core that called the span core_span_id.
project_id The project ID for the request.
language The language detected for the content of the request.
upstream The upstream endpoint used by the DIAL model.
topic The topic detected for the content of the request.
title The title of the person making the request.
response_id Unique ID of the response.
Field Description
user_hash The unique hash identifying the user.
deployment_price The cost of this specific request, excluding the cost of any requests it directly or indirectly initiated.
price The total cost of the request, including the cost of this request and all related requests it directly or indirectly triggered.
number_request_messages The total number of messages in the request. For chat completion requests it's number of messages in the chat history. For embedding requests it's number of inputs.
chat_id The unique identifier for the conversation that this request is part of.
prompt_tokens The number of tokens in the request.
completion_tokens The number of tokens in the response.

The logs for the /rate endpoint are saved to the rate_analytics measurement:

Tag Description
deployment The deployment name of the model or application for the request.
project_id The project ID for the request.
title The title of the person making the request.
response_id Unique ID of the response.
user_hash The unique hash identifying the user.
chat_id The unique identifier for the conversation that this request is part of.
Field Description
dislike_count 1 for a thumbs up request, otherwise 0.
like_count 1 for a thumbs down request, otherwise 0.


Copy .env.example to .env and customize it for your environment.

Connection to the InfluxDB

You need to specify the connection options to the InfluxDB instance using the environment variables:

Variable Description
INFLUX_URL Url to the InfluxDB to write the analytics data
INFLUX_ORG Name of the InfluxDB organization to write the analytics data
INFLUX_BUCKET Name of the bucket to write the analytics data

You can follow the InfluxDB documentation to setup InfluxDB locally and acquire the required configuration parameters.

Other configuration

Also, following environment valuables can be used to configure the service behavior:

Variable Default Description
MODEL_RATES {} Specifies per-token price rates for models in JSON format
TOPIC_MODEL ./topic_model Specifies the name or path for the topic model. If the model is specified by name, it will be downloaded from, the Huggingface.
TOPIC_EMBEDDINGS_MODEL None Specifies the name or path for the embeddings model used with the topic model. If the model is specified by name, it will be downloaded from, the Huggingface. If None, the name will be used from the topic model config.
LOG_LEVEL INFO The server logging level. Use DEBUG for dev purposes and INFO in prod

Example of the MODEL_RATES configuration:

    "gpt-4": {
    "gpt-35-turbo": {
    "gpt-4-32k": {
    "text-embedding-ada-002": {
    "chat-bison@001": {

Developer environment

This project uses Python>=3.11 and Poetry>=1.6.1 as a dependency manager. Check out Poetry's documentation on how to install it on your system before proceeding.

To install requirements:

poetry install

This will install all requirements for running the package, linting, formatting and tests.


To build the wheel packages run:

make build


To run the development server locally run:

make serve

The server will be running as http://localhost:5001


To build the docker image run:

make docker_build

To run the server locally from the docker image run:

make docker_serve

The server will be running as http://localhost:5001


Run the linting before committing:

make lint

To auto-fix formatting issues run:

make format


Run unit tests locally:

make test


To remove the virtual environment and build artifacts:

make clean


Realtime analytics server for AI DIAL. The service consumes the logs stream AI DIAL Core, analyzes the conversation and writes the analytics to InfluxDB




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