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Cassie provides ruby application support for Apache Cassandra. It provides components that most applications will need that are out of scope of the official cassandra-driver, including:

  • Database configuration
  • Cluster/session management
  • Cassandra server command helpers
  • Versioned schema migrations
  • Query classes and DSL
  • Test harnessing

Each of these components are designed to be used independently or together in a ruby application. If you want to manage your own configuration, use Cassie for session management, and some other gem for your queries -- great!

Tested against:

  • Ruby: MRI 2.2, 2.3, and JRuby 1.9
  • cassandra-driver 3.0


Gem Version

# Gemfile
gem 'cassie', '~> 1.1.0'


$ gem install cassie

See cassie-rails for Rails integration.

Database Configuration

Cassie provies database connection configuration (e.g. cluster and session) per environment. Support for a default YAML back-end is provided.

$ cassie configuration:generate

Cassie::configurations are loaded from this configuration file at runtime.

=> {"development"=>{"hosts"=>[""], "port"=>9042, "keyspace"=>"my_app_development"}, "test"=>{"hosts"=>[""], "port"=>9042, "idle_timeout"=>"nil", "keyspace"=>"my_app_test"}, "production"=>{"hosts"=>["", "", ""], "port"=>9042, "keyspace"=>"my_app_production"}}

Cassie.configurationpulls the appropriate configuration fromCassie.configurations, based on Cassie.env`.

Cassie.env = "production"

{"hosts"=>["", "", ""], "port"=>9042, "keyspace"=>"my_app_production"}

=> 'my_app_production'

Cassie.env prefers ENV["CASSANDRA_ENV"], then ENV["RACK_ENV"], and falls back to development.

See the Configuration README for more on features and usage.

Connection Handling

Cassie provides cluster and session connection creation according to cassie-driver best practices.

Using cached cluster and session objects

cluster and session objects are created, cached, and reused globally.

# continuing from above 'production' configuration

=> #<Cassandra::Cluster:0x3fc032f7f9b8> #<= configured with production cluster `configuration` options

=> #<Cassandra::Session:0x3fc084caa344> #<= session scoped to default 'my_app_production' keyspace

=> #<Cassandra::Session:0x3fc084caba22> #<= session without scoped keyspace

=> #<Cassandra::Session:0x3fc084cabf33> #<= session scoped to 'my_other_keyspace' keyspace

=> #<Cassandra::Session:0x3fc084caa344> #<= cached session, scoped to default 'my_app_production' keyspace

If using Cassie Configuration as described above via cassandra.yml, cluster configuration happens automatically. If not, assign a cluster environments hash to Cassie::configurations before using a cluster or session.

Using cluster and session objects in Classes

Include Cassie::Connection in a class for session and keyspace functionality in your objects.

class MyQuery
  include Cassie::Connection

  # An explicit keyspace that will determine the session used
  # instead of falling back to the value in `Cassie.keyspace`
  # for all instances of this class.
  # Override `#keyspace` for per-object evaluation.
  keyspace :some_other_keyspace

  def find_user(id)
    # `session` is a vanilla Cassandra::Session
    # connected to `some_other_keyspace`
    session.execute('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?;', arguments: [id])

See the Connection README for more on features and usage.

Cassandra Control

Cassie provides simple commands to control Cassandra execution in *nix development. These simplify execution and reduce output to provide faster management of your Cassandra processes.


$ cassie start
Starting Cassandra...
[✓] Cassandra Running


$ cassie stop
Stopping Cassandra...
[✓] Cassandra Stopped
$ cassie stop
Couldn't single out a Cassandra process.
  - Is cqlsh running?
  - Kill all cassandra processes with --all
    - 9542  | /usr/local/apache-cassandra-3.0.8/bin/
    - 2832  | org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon

$ cassie stop --all
Stopping Cassandra...
[✓] Cassandra Stopped


$ cassie restart
Stopping Cassandra...
[✓] Cassandra Stopped
Starting Cassandra...
[✓] Cassandra Running


$ cassie tail
Tailing Cassandra system log, Ctrl-C to stop...

INFO  [main] 2016-09-23 11:18:05,073 - Node localhost/ state jump to NORMAL
INFO  [main] 2016-09-23 11:18:05,215 - Netty using Java NIO event loop
INFO  [main] 2016-09-23 11:18:05,343 - Using Netty Version: [netty-buffer=netty-buffer-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-codec=netty-codec-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-codec-http=netty-codec-http-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-codec-socks=netty-codec-socks-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-common=netty-common-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-handler=netty-handler-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-transport=netty-transport-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-transport-rxtx=netty-transport-rxtx-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-transport-sctp=netty-transport-sctp-4.0.23.Final.208198c, netty-transport-udt=netty-transport-udt-4.0.23.Final.208198c]
INFO  [main] 2016-09-23 11:18:05,344 - Starting listening for CQL clients on localhost/ (unencrypted)...
INFO  [main] 2016-09-23 11:18:05,407 - Not starting RPC server as requested. Use JMX (StorageService->startRPCServer()) or nodetool (enablethrift) to start it

Versioned Schema Migrations

Cassie supports migration between schema states using semantically versioned, incremental migration files.

Schema Version information is stored in Cassandra persistence, in the cassie_schema.versions table (configurable).

A schema file holds the current state of the schema in-repo, at db/cassandra/schema.rb, (configurable).

Various cassie <task> tasks are used to manage the schema version and migrations.


Task Description
migrations:import Import existing cassandra_migrations migration files and convert to semantic versioning
migration:create Generates an empty migration file prefixed with the next semantic version number
migrate Migrates the schema by running the up methods in any migrations starting after the current schema version
migrate:reset runs schema:reset and migrate
schema:init Create versioned migrations schema, and the environment's keyspace if it doesn't exist
schema:version Print the current schema version information for the Cassandra cluster
schema:history Print the the historical version information the current Cassandra cluster state
schema:status Print the the migration status for each local migration (up/down)
schema:load Creates the schema by executing the CQL schema in the schema file (db/cassandra/schema.rb by default)
schema:drop drop keyspace(s)
schema:dump Dumps the schema for all non-system keyspaces in CQL format (db/cassandra/schema.rb by default)
schema:reset runs schema:drop and schema:load
schema:import Create an initial migration based on the current Cassandra non-system schema

See the Migrations README for more on features and usage.

Query DSL

Cassie provides base Query Classes to manage interactions to the database. Create application specific subclasses and construct queries with a simple CQL DSL.

class UserByUsernameQuery < Cassie::Query

  select_from :users_by_username

  where :username, :eq

  consistency :quorum
end "eprothro")
=> #<Struct user_id=123, username="eprothro">

See the Queries README for more on features and usage.

Test Harnessing

Avoid making queries into the persistnace layer when you can afford it.

some_query =
some_query.session.rows = [{'user_id' => 123, 'username' => 'eprothro'}]

=> [#<Struct user_id=123, username="eprothro">]

=> #<Cassandra::Statements::Simple:0x3ffde09930b8 @cql="SELECT * FROM users LIMIT 500;" @params=[]>

See the Testing README for more on features and usage.


Pull requests and issues are welcome. Please read the contributing guidelines.