A minimalist desktop configuration for Arch Linux using SwayWM.
Before proceeding with the installation, ensure you have a working Arch Linux installation.
First, backup your existing configuration files:
mkdir -p ~/dotfiles-backup
cp -r ~/.config ~/dotfiles-backup/
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/erffy/dots.git
cd dots
- Install required packages:
# Using pacman
sudo pacman -S --needed - < packages
# Or using yay
yay -S --needed - < packages
# Or using paru
paru -S --needed - < packages
- Copy configuration files:
# Create necessary directories
mkdir -p ~/.config ~/.local/share/applications
# Copy files (use -n to prevent overwriting existing files)
cp -rn .* ~/
# If you want to force overwrite, remove -n flag
# cp -r .* ~/
- Apply permissions:
# Make scripts executable
chmod +x ~/.local/bin/* ~/.config/waybar/bin/*
- Restart your system: