This application is designed to allow the user to enter their name and email and simulate a pizza ordering experience from fictitious company Pizza My Heart. User is able to choose various options for their pizza and then see an update of the cost. User is also able to add more than one pizza onto their order.
- Clone repository from GitHub
- Open in any up-to-date browser
- Open in gh-pages here
- HTML 5
- Bootstrap
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Object created to make new customers
- Object created to make new pizzas within new customers Object
- Values for name, email, toppings, crust, size, etc. are added to Customer Object
- Prototype to calculate the cost of toppings
- Prototype to calculate the cost of crust
- Prototype to calculate the cost of size
- Prototypes combined together to create one prototype that can be called on the various pizza Objects
- User is able to order more than one pizza
- Prototype to calculate the cost if used orders more than one pizza
This software is licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2016 Erica Nafziger