A website for show casing pyramid powered sites and the hackers that use it!
The site is a combination of these namespaced packages: - notaliens.core: Shared templates, assets, and base classes - notaliens.identity: Authentication and Sessions - notaliens.people: The section of the site that manages the list of Pyramid developers and their user profiles - notaliens.sites: The section of the site dedicated to managing the list of Pyramid powered websites - notaliens.jobs: The section of the website dedicated to posting and searching for Pyramid jobs
We are written with Python 3.3 and Python 2.7 in mind.
We should have a mix of features that are similar to http://djangosites.org and http://people.djangoproject.com/
- Developers should be able to register accounts, list their basic profile information such as github, twitter, and linked in, along with their location and if they are looking for work. They should also be able to tag themselves for what type of technology they work with.
- Registered users should be able to add 'sites' that are powered by Pyramid. This will include adding screenshots, tags for type of site, URL, should have stats about backend db (pgsql, redis, etc), what server is used (nginx, gunicorn), OS, and released version. What spoken language it is in.
- This will be for people to post up jobs that are pyramid related
$ easy_install -U setuptools
$ python bootstrap.py
Before running buildout, you need to make sure you have postgresql installed.
$ sudo yum install postgresql-server postgresql-devel
$ sudo su - postgres
$ initdb
$ exit
$ sudo systemctl start postgresql.service
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev python-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libtiff4-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms1-dev libwebp-dev
$ sudo su - postgres
$ createuser notaliens -P
$ createdb notaliens -O notaliens
$ exit
$ mkvirtualenv notaliens
$ cdvirtualenv
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ git clone [email protected]:sontek/notaliens.com.git
$ cd notaliens.com
$ pip install -e .
$ notaliens_update_geoip development.ini
$ notaliens_create_db development.ini
$ notaliens_update_geoip_csv development.ini
$ notaliens_rebuild_index development.ini
Running the application server:
$ bin/pserve notaliens/development.ini
Running the task queue worker:
$ bin/notaliens_task_queue notaliens/development.ini
We also have support for caching SQL queries via redis and using elasticsearch for full text search, so use your distro to install those if you would like to take advantage of those features.
You will notice on the view timings that we are running at about 30-40ms per view, this is not an accurate number because we enable the debugtoolbar by default.
With the toolbar off we average around 10-15ms per view request.
To test the elastic search:
Profile Schema:
curl -XGET ''
All profiles:
curl -XGET ''
Filter Profile:
curl -XGET ''
Or for more advanced querying:
curl -XPOST '' -d'
"term" : {
"first_name" :"john"
For geo location queries:
curl -XPOST '' -d'
"query": {
"filtered" : {
"filter" : {
"geo_distance" : {
"distance" : "12km",
"location" : {
"lat" : 37.4644,
"lon" : -122.2267
To run our tests you can do:
$ bin/py.test notaliens/tests
To get code coverage:
$ bin/py.test --cov-report term-missing --cov notaliens