Various fixes have been made for this release.
This release has 4 files for fully-contained distributables:
- Eidolon_All_0.3.2.zip -- contains the code and libraries for all platforms but does not have Python included
- Eidolon_OSX64_0.3.2.dmg -- OSX .app application containing the Python interpreter and libraries, no Python install needed
- Eidolon_Win64_0.3.2.zip -- Win7/8/10 application containing the Python interpreter and libraries, no Python install needed
- Eidolon_Linux64_0.3.2.zip -- Linux application containing the Python interpreter and libraries, no Python install needed. This is for Linux versions with glibc 2.19 and up (ie. Ubuntu 14.04). It has only been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 so this is a somewhat experimental package.