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erikuus committed Jan 6, 2025
1 parent 49e54da commit f96f1c3
Showing 1 changed file with 311 additions and 0 deletions.
311 changes: 311 additions & 0 deletions components/everypay/XEveryPay.php
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@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
* EveryPay v4 Payment Component for Yii1
* Example usage in config/main.php:
* 'components' => array(
* 'creditcard' => array(
* 'class' => 'application.components.everypay.XEveryPay',
* 'apiUsername' => 'username',
* 'apiSecret' => 'secret',
* 'accountName' => 'account',
* 'testMode' => true,
* ),
* // ...
* ),
* Then in PaymentBaseController you can do:
* $transaction = Yii::app()->creditcard; // now points to XEveryPay
* $transaction->language = Yii::app()->language;
* $transaction->amount = $payment->total * 100; // cents
* $transaction->currency = $payment->currency;
* $transaction->returnUrl = $this->createAbsoluteUrl('validate', array('id'=>$payment->id,'type'=>$payment->type));
* $transaction->cancelUrl = $this->createAbsoluteUrl('cancel', array('id'=>$payment->id));
* $transaction->requestId = $payment->request_id; // set your unique request ID
* $transaction->submitPayment();
* Then in actionValidate:
* $transaction = Yii::app()->creditcard;
* if($transaction->validatePayment()) {
* // Payment success
* } else {
* // Payment failure: $transaction->errorMessage has reason
* }
class XEveryPay extends CApplicationComponent
* @var string EveryPay API Username (from portal)
public $apiUsername;

* @var string EveryPay API Secret (from portal)
public $apiSecret;

* @var string The "account_name" in your EveryPay portal (e.g. "EUR3D1")
public $accountName;

* @var bool If true, uses test (demo) endpoints; otherwise uses live endpoints
public $testMode = false;

* @var string Language code
public $language;

* @var int Payment amount in cents (1.00 EUR = 100)
public $amount;

* @var string Payment currency (e.g. "EUR")
public $currency;

* @var string Return URL (customer_url) after payment success or fail
public $returnUrl;

* @var string Unique request ID that we use for order_reference
public $requestId;

* @var string Holds errors if submission or validation fails
public $errorMessage;

* @var bool If true, automatically redirects to the Payment URL after creation
public $autoRedirect = true;

* @var string The Payment Link returned by EveryPay on successful creation
public $paymentLink;

* @var string Final status returned by the payment status request
public $paymentState;

* @var array Additional metadata we embed into integration_details
public $metadata = array();

* Unused properties to maintain parity with XStripe
public $cancelUrl;
public $productName;
public $productDescription;

* Unused properties to maintain parity with XEcom
public $datetime;

* v4 Endpoints (One-off payments)
protected $testUrlV4 = '';
protected $liveUrlV4 = '';
protected $testStatusUrlV4 = '';
protected $liveStatusUrlV4 = '';

* Creates a payment on EveryPay using v4 (nonce + timestamp).
* On success, sets $this->paymentLink and optionally redirects there.
public function submitPayment()
// Convert from cents to a float
$amountFloat = number_format($this->amount / 100, 2, '.', '');

// v4 requires:
// - 'nonce' (uniqid)
// - 'timestamp' (ISO8601)
// - 'account_name'
// - 'api_username'
// - 'order_reference'
$nonce = uniqid();
$timestamp = date('c'); // ISO 8601

// Build request array
$requestData = array(
'api_username' => $this->apiUsername,
'account_name' => $this->accountName,
'amount' => $amountFloat,
'order_reference' => $this->requestId,
'nonce' => $nonce,
'timestamp' => $timestamp,
'customer_url' => $this->returnUrl,

// If a currency is required or different from default
$requestData['currency'] = $this->currency;

// Store metadata in integration_details
$requestData['integration_details'] = $this->metadata;

// Determine correct endpoint
$apiUrl = $this->testMode ? $this->testUrlV4 : $this->liveUrlV4;

// Build x-www-form-urlencoded payload (per v4 docs)
$postFields = http_build_query($requestData, '', '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);

// Initialize cURL
$ch = curl_init($apiUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postFields);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Accept: application/json',
'Content-Length: ' . strlen($postFields),
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->apiUsername . ':' . $this->apiSecret);

$responseData = curl_exec($ch);
$curlError = curl_error($ch);

$this->errorMessage = 'EveryPay cURL error: ' . $curlError;
Yii::log($this->errorMessage, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR);

// Parse JSON response
$decoded = json_decode($responseData, true);
if (!empty($decoded['payment_link']))
$this->paymentLink = $decoded['payment_link'];

if ($this->autoRedirect)
// Something went wrong
$this->errorMessage = isset($decoded['error_message'])
? $decoded['error_message']
: 'Could not create payment link.';

'XEveryPay (v4) submitPayment error: ' . var_export($decoded, true),

catch (Exception $e)
$this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage();
'XEveryPay (v4) submitPayment exception: ' . $e->getMessage(),

* Checks payment status via the v4 endpoint.
* Returns true if 'payment_state' == 'settled'.
* Otherwise, false with errorMessage set.
public function validatePayment()
// Typically we expect EveryPay to pass payment_reference or order_reference in GET/POST
$paymentReference = Yii::app()->request->getParam('payment_reference');

$paymentReference = Yii::app()->request->getParam('order_reference');

$this->errorMessage = 'No payment_reference provided for validation.';
return false;

// Build status URL
$statusUrlBase = $this->testMode ? $this->testStatusUrlV4 : $this->liveStatusUrlV4;
$statusUrl = $statusUrlBase . urlencode($paymentReference) . '?api_username=' . urlencode($this->apiUsername);

$ch = curl_init($statusUrl);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
'Content-Type: application/json'
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $this->apiUsername . ':' . $this->apiSecret);

$responseData = curl_exec($ch);
$curlError = curl_error($ch);

$this->errorMessage = 'EveryPay cURL GET error: ' . $curlError;
Yii::log($this->errorMessage, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR);
return false;

// Decode response
$decoded = json_decode($responseData, true);
$this->errorMessage = 'Unexpected EveryPay status response: ' . var_export($decoded, true);
Yii::log($this->errorMessage, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR);
return false;

// e.g. "settled", "failed", "abandoned", "outdated", etc.
$this->paymentState = $decoded['payment_state'];

if($this->paymentState === 'settled')
return true;
$this->errorMessage = 'EveryPay Payment State: ' . $this->paymentState;
return false;

catch (Exception $e)
$this->errorMessage = 'Validate Payment Exception: ' . $e->getMessage();
Yii::log($this->errorMessage, CLogger::LEVEL_ERROR);
return false;

* Returns true if we detect an automatic server-to-server request from EveryPay (webhook).
* By default, v4 one-off does NOT automatically post back, so we return false.
public function isAutoRequest()
// If you implement webhooks, detect them here. For now, return false.
return false;

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