A Social dating application made to connect people and give them a platform to connect.
- Frontend
- React
- Redux
- Ant Design
- Backend
- Node JS
- Pusher WebSocket Service
- Postgres SQL DB
- Nodemailer / SendGrid
- AWS Storage
Live demo: https://dateappeldate.herokuapp.com/
Frontend and backend are together deployed to : Heroku
- Lists of user profiles;
- User Registration / Login / Forgot password / Settings;
- Facebook Login ( requires paid domain and SSQL );
- Real Time Chat with Pusher;
- Matching with other users;
- Picture managment / Album;
- Notifications;
- Setup .env variables ;
FACEBOOK_CLIENTSECRET = "Facebook Login KEY (from FB Devs page)"
COOKIE_SECRET = "Secret Key for token"
CORS_ORIGIN = "Your domain origin for CORS"
POSTGRES_CONNECTION_URL= "PGSQL Database Connection string (In this case i am using postgres of Heroku which is Free and the string can be found there from settings)"
PUSHER_APP_ID="Needed for Pusher Socket , can be found in their webpage"
PUSHER_APP_KEY="Needed for Pusher Socket , can be found in their webpage"
PUSHER_APP_SECRET="Needed for Pusher Socket , can be found in their webpage"
PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER="Needed for Pusher Socket , can be found in their webpage, This is for the Region (eu) in my case"
REACT_APP_PUSHER_APP_KEY="This Key is for the Frontend of the application - in my case Front End and Backend are in same folder and deployed same place(front end is added as static to Node)"
REACT_APP_PUSHER_CLUSTER="Pusher Front end region (eu) in my case"
MY_EMAIL_SENDER = "SendGrid Key for Emailing services,can be found in their website"
SECRET_TOKEN = "Secret value of Token"
MY_FRONTEND = Password Reset Link for example: http://localhost:3000/resetpassword
AWS_KEYID = "AWS S3 Storage Keys"
AWS_SECRET = "AWS S3 Storage Keys"
// The next lines is not required its more for local ;
DATABASEPG_USER = "DB Postgres keys"
DATABASEPG_PORT = "DB Postgres keys"
DATABASEPG_HOST = "DB Postgres keys with Amazon S3 "
FACEBOOK_REDIRECT =FB Redirect link , example: http://localhost:3000/login
FACEBOOK_FAIL = If fb login fails to redirect where? , example: http://localhost:3000/
- node app.js - to start Server and FrontEnd
- npm start from cd/Frontend folder if you want start only frontend