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amend cryptosystem: take two
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dvv committed Apr 3, 2013
1 parent ffe7eab commit e6636c2
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Showing 3 changed files with 121 additions and 134 deletions.
27 changes: 16 additions & 11 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -9,23 +9,28 @@ Usage
A typical use case is to provide means to keep secrets put in public domain, e.g. secure cookies.

% generate a token
Term = {this, is, an, [erlang, <<"term">>]}.
Cookie = termit:encode_base64(Term, <<"cekpet">>).

% token is ok
{ok, Term} = termit:decode_base64(Cookie, <<"cekpet">>).

% check whether token is not forged
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(<<Cookie/binary, "1">>, <<"cekpet">>).
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(Cookie, <<"secret">>).
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(undefined, <<"cekpet">>).

% generate expiring token
Term = {this, is, another, [erlang, <<"term">>]}.
% time-to-live is 10 seconds =:= secret valid no more than 10 seconds
Cookie = termit:encode_base64(Term, <<"cekpet">>, 10).

% secret is alive
{ok, Term} = termit:decode_base64(Cookie, <<"cekpet">>, 10).

% secret's time-to-live must fit
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(Cookie, <<"cekpet">>, 11).
% secret is ok within 10 seconds interval
{ok, Term} = termit:decode_base64(Cookie, <<"cekpet">>).

% after 10 seconds elapsed
{error, expired} = termit:decode_base64(Cookie, <<"cekpet">>, 10).

% check whether secret was not forged
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(<<Cookie/binary, "1">>, <<"cekpet">>, 10).
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(Cookie, <<"secret">>, 10).
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(undefined, <<"cekpet">>, 10).
{error, expired} = termit:decode_base64(Cookie, <<"cekpet">>).

Expand Down
221 changes: 103 additions & 118 deletions src/termit.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
%% @doc Serialize an Erlang term to signed encrypted binary and
%% deserialize it back ensuring it's not been forged or expired.
%% deserialize it back ensuring it's not been forged.
%% Some code extracted from

-author('Vladimir Dronnikov <[email protected]>').

encode/3, decode/3,
encode_base64/3, decode_base64/3

Expand All @@ -18,158 +25,128 @@
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-spec encode(
Term :: any(),
Secret :: binary(),
Ttl :: non_neg_integer()) ->
Cipher :: binary().
-spec encode(Term :: any(), Secret :: binary()) -> Cipher :: binary().
encode(Term, Secret) ->
Key = key(Secret),
Enc = encrypt(term_to_binary(Term), Key),
<< (sign(<< Key/binary, Enc/binary >>, Key))/binary, Enc/binary >>.

-spec encode(Term :: any(), Secret :: binary(),
Ttl :: non_neg_integer()) -> Cipher :: binary().
encode(Term, Secret, Ttl) ->
ExpiresAt = timestamp(Ttl),
ExpiresAtBin = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(ExpiresAt)),
Key = key(Secret, Ttl),
Enc = encrypt(term_to_binary(Term), Key),
Sig = sign(<< ExpiresAtBin/binary, Key/binary, Enc/binary >>, Secret),
<< Sig/binary, ExpiresAt:32/integer, Enc/binary >>.
Key = key(Secret),
Enc = encrypt(term_to_binary(expiring(Term, Ttl)), Key),
<< (sign(<< Key/binary, Enc/binary >>, Key))/binary, Enc/binary >>.

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Given a result of encode/3, i.e. a signed encrypted binary,
%% @doc Given a result of encode/2, i.e. a signed encrypted binary,
%% check the signature, uncrypt and deserialize into original term.
%% Check it timestamp encoded into the data is not older than Ttl.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-spec decode(
Cipher :: binary(),
Secret :: binary(),
Ttl :: non_neg_integer()) ->
{ok, Term :: any()} |
{error, expired} |
{error, forged} |
{error, badarg}.

decode(<< Sig:32/binary, ExpiresAt:32/integer, Enc/binary >>, Secret, Ttl) ->
ExpiresAtBin = list_to_binary(integer_to_list(ExpiresAt)),
Key = key(Secret, Ttl),
% @todo constant time comparison
case sign(<< ExpiresAtBin/binary, Key/binary, Enc/binary >>, Secret) of
% signature ok?
Sig ->
Bin = uncrypt(Enc, Key),
-spec decode(Cipher :: binary(), Secret :: binary()) ->
{ok, Term :: any()} | {error, forged} | {error, badarg}.
decode(<< Sig:20/binary, Enc/binary >>, Secret) ->
Key = key(Secret),
% NB constant time signature verification
case equal(Sig, sign(<< Key/binary, Enc/binary >>, Key)) of
true ->
% deserialize
try binary_to_term(Bin, [safe]) of
Term ->
% not yet expired?
case ExpiresAt > timestamp(0) of
true ->
{ok, Term};
false ->
{error, expired}
try check_expired(binary_to_term(uncrypt(Enc, Key), [safe])) of
Any -> Any
catch _:_ ->
{error, badarg}
_ ->
false ->
{error, forged}

%% N.B. unmatched binaries are forged
decode(Bin, _, _) when is_binary(Bin) ->
decode(Bin, _) when is_binary(Bin) ->
{error, forged}.

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Get current OS time plus Delta in seconds as unsigned integer.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-spec timestamp(
Delta :: integer()) ->

timestamp(Delta) when is_integer(Delta) ->
{MegaSecs, Secs, _} = os:timestamp(),
MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs + Delta.

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Get 16-octet binary from given arbitrary Secret and integer TTL.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-spec key(
Secret :: binary(),
Ttl :: non_neg_integer()) ->
MAC16 :: binary().

key(Secret, Ttl) ->
crypto:md5_mac(Secret, integer_to_list(Ttl)).

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Get 32-octet hash of Data salted with Secret.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-spec key(Secret :: binary()) -> MAC16 :: binary().
key(Secret) ->
crypto:md5_mac(Secret, []).

-spec sign(
Data :: binary(),
Secret :: binary()) ->
Signature32 :: binary().

sign(Data, Secret) ->
crypto:sha256([Data, Secret]).

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Encrypt Bin using Secret.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-spec encrypt(
Data :: binary(),
Key :: binary()) ->
Cipher :: binary().
-spec sign(Data :: binary(), Secret :: binary()) -> MAC20 :: binary().
sign(Data, Key) ->
crypto:sha_mac(Key, Data).

-spec encrypt(Data :: binary(), Key :: binary()) -> Cipher :: binary().
encrypt(Data, Key) ->
IV = crypto:rand_bytes(16),
% @todo pad up to 16 octets and use CBC mode
<< IV/binary, (crypto:aes_cfb_128_encrypt(Key, IV, Data))/binary >>.

-spec uncrypt(Cipher :: binary(), Key :: binary()) -> Uncrypted :: binary().
uncrypt(<< IV:16/binary, Data/binary >>, Key) ->
% @todo pad up to 16 octets and use CBC mode
crypto:aes_cfb_128_decrypt(Key, IV, Data).

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% @doc Uncrypt Bin using Secret.
%% @doc 'Constant' time =:= operator for binaries, to mitigate timing attacks.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-spec uncrypt(
Cipher :: binary(),
Key :: binary()) ->
Uncrypted :: binary().
-spec equal(A :: binary(), B :: binary()) -> true | false.
equal(A, B) ->
equal(A, B, 0).

uncrypt(<< IV:16/binary, Data/binary >>, Key) ->
crypto:aes_cfb_128_decrypt(Key, IV, Data).
equal(<< A, As/binary >>, << B, Bs/binary >>, Acc) ->
equal(As, Bs, Acc bor (A bxor B));
equal(<<>>, <<>>, 0) ->
equal(_As, _Bs, _Acc) ->

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Conversion helpers
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

encode_base64(Term, Secret) ->
base64:encode(encode(Term, Secret)).

encode_base64(Term, Secret, Ttl) ->
base64:encode(encode(Term, Secret, Ttl)).

decode_base64(undefined, _, _) ->
decode_base64(undefined, _) ->
{error, forged};

decode_base64(Bin, Secret, Ttl) when is_binary(Bin) ->
decode_base64(Bin, Secret) when is_binary(Bin) ->
try base64:decode(Bin) of
Decoded ->
decode(Decoded, Secret, Ttl)
decode(Decoded, Secret)
catch _:_ ->
{error, forged}

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Expiration helpers
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-spec timestamp(Delta :: integer()) -> non_neg_integer().
timestamp(Delta) when is_integer(Delta) ->
{MegaSecs, Secs, _} = os:timestamp(),
MegaSecs * 1000000 + Secs + Delta.

expiring(Term, Ttl) ->
{expires, timestamp(Ttl), Term}.

check_expired({expires, ExpiresAt, Term}) ->
case ExpiresAt > timestamp(0) of
true -> {ok, Term};
false -> {error, expired}
check_expired(Term) ->
{ok, Term}.

%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Some unit tests
Expand All @@ -190,28 +167,36 @@ encrypt_test() ->
?assertNotEqual(Bin, uncrypt(encrypt(Bin, <<"0", Secret15/binary>>), Secret)).

smoke_test() ->
Term = {a, b, c, [d, "e", <<"foo">>]},
Secret = <<"TopSecRet">>,
Enc = encode(Term, Secret),
?assertEqual({ok, Term}, decode(Enc, Secret)),
% forged data
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<"1">>, Secret)),
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<"0", Enc/binary>>, Secret)),
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<Enc/binary, "1">>, Secret)).

expiry_test() ->
Term = {a, b, c, [d, "e", <<"foo">>]},
Secret = <<"TopSecRet">>,
Enc = encode(Term, Secret, 1),
% decode encoded term with valid time to live
?assertEqual({ok, Term}, decode(Enc, Secret, 1)),
?assertEqual({ok, Term}, decode(Enc, Secret)),
% forged data
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(Enc, Secret, 2)),
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<"1">>, Secret, 1)),
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<"0", Enc/binary>>, Secret, 1)),
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<Enc/binary, "1">>, Secret, 1)),
% expired data
Enc2 = encode(Term, Secret, 1),
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<"1">>, Secret)),
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<"0", Enc/binary>>, Secret)),
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode(<<Enc/binary, "1">>, Secret)),
% wait until it expires
?assertEqual({error, expired}, decode(Enc2, Secret, 1)).
?assertEqual({error, expired}, decode(Enc, Secret)).

encode64_test() ->
Term = {a, b, c, [d, "e", <<"foo">>]},
Secret = <<"TopSecRet">>,
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode_base64(undefined, a, b)),
?assertEqual({ok, Term}, decode_base64(encode_base64(Term, Secret, 1), Secret, 1)).

?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode_base64(undefined, a)),
?assertEqual({ok, Term}, decode_base64(encode_base64(Term, Secret), Secret)).

decode64_test() ->
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode_base64(<<"%3A">>, a, b)).
?assertEqual({error, forged}, decode_base64(<<"%3A">>, a)).

7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions test/termit_SUITE.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ all() ->
encode_test(_Config) ->
Term = {a, b, c, [d, "e", <<"foo">>]},
Secret = <<"TopSecRet">>,
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(undefined, a, b),
{error, forged} = termit:decode_base64(undefined, a),
{ok, Term} = termit:decode_base64(
termit:encode_base64(Term, Secret, 1), Secret, 1),
Enc = termit:encode_base64(Term, Secret, 1),
{error, expired} = termit:decode_base64(Enc, Secret, 1).
termit:encode_base64(Term, Secret), Secret).

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