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Available Gradle Plugin Settings

dermakov edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 18 revisions

The main way to configure Kobby Gradle Plugin is to use Kobby extension. The script below shows all available plugin settings with default values in build.gradle.kts:

import io.github.ermadmi78.kobby.kobby

plugins {

// Kobby Plugin Configuration
kobby {
    // Schema location and parsing rules configuration
    schema {
        // GraphQL schema files to generate Kobby DSL
        // By default all `**/*.graphqls` files in `src/main/resources`
        files = null // org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection

        // Configuration of schema files location scanning
        scan {
            // Root directory to scan schema files
            dir = "src/main/resources"

            // ANT style include patterns to scan schema files
            includes = listOf("**/*.graphqls") // Iterable<String>

            // ANT style exclude patterns to scan schema files
            excludes = null // Iterable<String>

        // Configuration of Kobby GraphQL directives parsing
        directive {
            // Name of `primaryKey` directive
            primaryKey = "primaryKey"

            // Name of `required` directive
            required = "required"

            // Name of `default` directive
            default = "default"

            // Name of `selection' directive
            selection = "selection"

    // Configuration of Kotlin DSL generation
    kotlin {
        // Is Kotlin DSL generation enabled
        enabled = true

        // Mapping GraphQL scalars to Kotlin classes
        scalars = null // Map<String, KotlinType>

        // Is root package name for generated DSL
        // should be relative to GraphQL schema directory
        relativePackage = true

        // Root package name for generated DSL
        packageName = "kobby.kotlin"

        // Output directory for generated DSL
        // org.gradle.api.file.Directory
        outputDirectory = project.layout.buildDirectory

        // Configuration of DSL context generation (entry point to DSL)
        context {
            // Context package name relative to root package name
            // By default is empty
            packageName = null // String

            // Name of generated DSL context
            // By default is name of GraphQL schema file
            // or `graphql` if there are multiple schema files
            name = "graphql"

            // Prefix of generated `Context` interface
            // By default is capitalized context name
            prefix = null // String

            // Postfix of generated `Context` interface
            postfix = null // String

            // Name of `query` function in `Context` interface
            query = "query"

            // Name of `mutation` function in `Context` interface
            mutation = "mutation"

            // Name of `subscription` function in `Context` interface
            subscription = "subscription"

            // Is generation of the commit function enabled for subscription
            commitEnabled = false

        // Configuration of DTO classes generation
        dto {
            // Package name for DTO classes. Relative to root package name.
            packageName = "dto"

            // Prefix of DTO classes
            // generated from GraphQL objects, interfaces and unions
            prefix = null // String

            // Postfix of DTO classes
            // generated from GraphQL objects, interfaces and unions
            postfix = "Dto"

            // Prefix of DTO classes generated from GraphQL enums
            enumPrefix = null // String

            // Postfix of DTO classes generated from GraphQL enums
            enumPostfix = null // String

            // Prefix of DTO classes generated from GraphQL inputs
            inputPrefix = null // String

            // Postfix of DTO classes generated from GraphQL inputs
            inputPostfix = null // String

            // Kobby can generate `equals` and `hashCode` functions for entities classes
            // based on fields marked with `@primaryKey` directive.
            // This parameter provides an ability to apply the same generation logic to DTO classes
            applyPrimaryKeys = false

            // Generate immutable DTO class if number of GraphQL type fields <= property value.
            // Otherwise, generate a mutable DTO class.
            // Set the property value to 0 to always generate mutable DTO classes.
            maxNumberOfFieldsForImmutableDtoClass = 245 // Int

            // Generate immutable Input class if number of GraphQL Input type fields <= property value.
            // Otherwise, generate a mutable Input class.
            // Set the property value to 0 to always generate mutable Input classes.
            maxNumberOfFieldsForImmutableInputClass = 245 // Int            

            // Configuration of Kotlinx Serialization support for DTO classes.
            // Note that Kotlinx serialization and Jackson serialization
            // are not supported simultaneously.
            serialization {
                // Is Kotlinx Serialization enabled.
                // By default, `true` if `org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json`
                // artifact is in the project dependencies.
                enabled = true

                // Name of the class descriptor property for polymorphic serialization.
                classDiscriminator = "__typename"

                // Specifies whether encounters of unknown properties in the input JSON
                // should be ignored instead of throwing SerializationException.
                ignoreUnknownKeys = true

                // Specifies whether default values of Kotlin properties should be encoded to JSON.
                encodeDefaults = false

                // Specifies whether resulting JSON should be pretty-printed.
                prettyPrint = false

            // Configuration of Jackson annotations generation for DTO classes
            // Note that Kotlinx serialization and Jackson serialization
            // are not supported simultaneously.
            jackson {
                // Is Jackson annotations generation enabled
                // By default `true` if `com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations`
                // artifact is in the project dependencies
                enabled = null // Boolean

                // Customize the @JsonTypeInfo annotation's `use` property.
                typeInfoUse = "NAME"

                // Customize the @JsonTypeInfo annotation's `include` property.
                typeInfoInclude = "PROPERTY"

                // Customize the @JsonTypeInfo annotation's `property` property.
                typeInfoProperty = "__typename"

                // Customize the @JsonInclude annotation's `value` property.
                jsonInclude = "NON_ABSENT"

            // Configuration of DTO builders generation
            builder {
                // Is DTO builders generation enabled
                enabled = true

                // Prefix of DTO builder classes
                prefix = null // String

                // Postfix of DTO builder classes
                postfix = "Builder"

                // Name of DTO based "toBuilder" function for DTO classes
                toBuilderFun = "toBuilder"

                // Name of builder based "toDto" function for DTO classes
                toDtoFun = "toDto"

                // Name of builder based "toInput" function for DTO input classes
                toInputFun = "toInput"

                // Name of builder based `copy` function for DTO classes
                copyFun = "copy"

            // Configuration of helper DTO classes generation
            // for implementing the GraphQL interaction protocol
            graphQL {
                // Is helper DTO classes generation enabled
                enabled = true

                // Package name for helper DTO classes relative to DTO package name
                packageName = "graphql"

                // Prefix for helper DTO classes
                prefix = null // String

                // Postfix for helper DTO classes
                postfix = null // String

        // Configuration of DSL Entities interfaces generation
        entity {
            // Is entities interfaces generation enabled
            enabled = true

            // Package name for entities interfaces relative to root package name
            packageName = "entity"

            // Prefix for entities interfaces
            prefix = null // String

            // Postfix for entities interfaces
            postfix = null // String

            // Generate context access function in entity interface
            contextFunEnabled = true // since release 2.0.0

            // Context access function name in entity interface
            contextFunName = "__context"

            // Name of `withCurrentProjection` function in entity interface
            withCurrentProjectionFun = "__withCurrentProjection"

            // Configuration of DSL Entity Projection interfaces generation
            projection {
                // Prefix for projection interfaces
                projectionPrefix = null // String

                // Postfix for projection interfaces
                projectionPostfix = "Projection"

                // Name of projection argument in field functions
                projectionArgument = "__projection"

                // Prefix for projection fields
                // that are not marked with the directive `@default`
                withPrefix = null // String

                // Postfix for projection fields
                // that are not marked with the directive `@default`
                withPostfix = null // String

                // Prefix for default projection fields
                // (marked with the directive `@default`)
                withoutPrefix = "__without"

                // Postfix for default projection fields
                // (marked with the directive `@default`)
                withoutPostfix = null // String

                // Name of `minimize` function in projection interface
                minimizeFun = "__minimize"

                // Prefix for qualification interfaces
                qualificationPrefix = null // String

                // Postfix for qualification interfaces
                qualificationPostfix = "Qualification"

                // Prefix for qualified projection interface
                qualifiedProjectionPrefix = null // String

                // Postfix for qualified projection interface
                qualifiedProjectionPostfix = "QualifiedProjection"

                // Prefix for qualification functions
                onPrefix = "__on"

                // Postfix for qualification functions
                onPostfix = null // String

            // Configuration of DSL Entity Selection interfaces generation
            selection {
                // Prefix for selection interfaces
                selectionPrefix = null // String

                // Postfix for selection interfaces
                selectionPostfix = "Selection"

                // Name of selection argument in field functions
                selectionArgument = "__selection"

                // Prefix for query interfaces
                queryPrefix = null // String

                // Postfix for query interfaces
                queryPostfix = "Query"

                // Name of query argument in field functions
                queryArgument = "__query"

        // Configuration of DSL Entities implementation classes generation
        impl {
            // Package name for entities implementation classes
            // relative to root package name
            packageName = "entity.impl"

            // Prefix for entities implementation classes
            prefix = null // String

            // Postfix for entities implementation classes
            postfix = "Impl"

            // Is implementation classes should be internal
            internal = true

            // Prefix for inner fields in implementation classes
            innerPrefix = "__inner"

            // Postfix for inner fields in implementation classes
            innerPostfix = null // String

        // Configuration of adapter classes generation
        adapter {
            // Configuration of Ktor adapter classes generation
            ktor {
                // Is simple Ktor adapter generation enabled
                // By default `true` if `io.ktor:ktor-client-cio`
                // artifact is in the project dependencies
                simpleEnabled = null // Boolean

                // Is composite Ktor adapter generation enabled
                // By default `true` if `io.ktor:ktor-client-cio`
                // artifact is in the project dependencies
                compositeEnabled = null // Boolean

                // Package name for Ktor adapter classes relative to root package name
                packageName = "adapter.ktor"

                // Prefix for Ktor adapter classes
                prefix = null // String

                // Postfix for Ktor adapter classes
                postfix = "KtorAdapter"

                // Default receive message timeout in milliseconds 
                // for subscriptions in Ktor composite adapter
                receiveTimeoutMillis = 10000