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Available Maven Plugin Settings

dermakov edited this page Dec 26, 2021 · 13 revisions

The main way to configure Kobby Maven Plugin is to use plugin execution configuration. The script below shows all available plugin settings with default values in pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
                            <!-- Schema location and parsing rules configuration -->
                                <!-- List of GraphQL schema files to generate Kobby DSL -->
                                <!-- By default all `**/*.graphqls` files in `src/main/resources` -->

                                <!-- Configuration of schema files location scanning -->
                                    <!-- Configuration of schema files location scanning -->

                                    <!-- List of ANT style include patterns to scan schema files -->

                                    <!-- List of ANT style exclude patterns to scan schema files -->

                                <!-- Configuration of Kobby GraphQL directives parsing -->
                                    <!-- Name of `primaryKey` directive -->

                                    <!-- Name of `required` directive -->

                                    <!-- Name of `default` directive -->

                                    <!-- Name of `selection' directive -->

                                    <!-- Name of `resolve` directive -->

                            <!-- Configuration of Kotlin DSL generation -->
                                <!-- Is Kotlin DSL generation enabled-->

                                <!-- Mapping GraphQL scalars to Kotlin classes -->
                                    <!-- This example maps `JSON` scalar to `Map<String, Any?>` class -->
                                    <!-- GraphQL scalar name-->
                                        <!-- Kotlin package name-->

                                        <!-- Kotlin class name-->

                                        <!-- List of Kotlin class generics -->
                                                <!-- Generic package name -->

                                                <!-- Generic class name -->
                                                <!-- Generic package name -->

                                                <!-- Generic class name -->

                                                <!-- Is generic nullable. By default is `false` -->

                                <!-- Is root package name for generated DSL -->
                                <!-- should be relative to GraphQL schema directory -->

                                <!-- Root package name for generated DSL -->

                                <!-- Output directory for generated DSL -->

                                <!-- Configuration of DSL context generation (entry point to DSL) -->
                                    <!-- Context package name relative to root package name -->
                                    <!-- By default, is empty -->

                                    <!-- Name of generated DSL context -->
                                    <!-- By default, is name of GraphQL schema file -->
                                    <!-- or `graphql` if there are multiple schema files -->

                                    <!-- Prefix of generated `Context` interface -->
                                    <!-- By default is capitalized context name -->

                                    <!-- Postfix of generated `Context` interface -->

                                    <!-- Name of `query` function in `Context` interface -->

                                    <!-- Name of `mutation` function in `Context` interface -->

                                    <!-- Name of `subscription` function in `Context` interface -->

                                <!-- Configuration of DTO classes generation -->
                                    <!-- Package name for DTO classes. -->
                                    <!-- Relative to root package name. -->

                                    <!-- Prefix of DTO classes -->
                                    <!-- generated from GraphQL objects, interfaces and unions -->

                                    <!-- Postfix of DTO classes -->
                                    <!-- generated from GraphQL objects, interfaces and unions -->

                                    <!-- Prefix of DTO classes generated from GraphQL enums -->

                                    <!-- Postfix of DTO classes generated from GraphQL enums -->

                                    <!-- Prefix of DTO classes generated from GraphQL inputs -->

                                    <!-- Postfix of DTO classes generated from GraphQL inputs -->

                                    <!-- Kobby can generate `equals` and `hashCode` functions -->
                                    <!-- for entities classes -->
                                    <!-- based on fields marked with `@primaryKey` directive. -->
                                    <!-- This parameter provides an ability -->
                                    <!-- to apply the same generation logic to DTO classes -->

                                    <!-- Configuration of Jackson annotations generation -->
                                    <!-- for DTO classes -->
                                        <!-- Is Jackson annotations generation enabled -->
                                        <!-- By default `true` if -->
                                        <!-- `com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations` -->
                                        <!-- artifact is in the project dependencies -->

                                        <!-- Customize the @JsonTypeInfo -->
                                        <!-- annotation's `use` property. -->

                                        <!-- Customize the @JsonTypeInfo -->
                                        <!-- annotation's `include` property. -->

                                        <!-- Customize the @JsonTypeInfo -->
                                        <!-- annotation's `property` property. -->

                                        <!-- Customize the @JsonInclude -->
                                        <!-- annotation's `value` property. -->

                                    <!-- Configuration of DTO builders generation -->
                                        <!-- Is DTO builders generation enabled -->

                                        <!-- Prefix of DTO builder classes -->

                                        <!-- Postfix of DTO builder classes -->

                                        <!-- Name of builder based `copy` function for DTO classes -->

                                    <!-- Configuration of helper DTO classes generation -->
                                    <!-- for implementing the GraphQL interaction protocol -->
                                        <!-- Is helper DTO classes generation enabled -->

                                        <!-- Package name for helper DTO classes -->
                                        <!-- relative to DTO package name -->

                                        <!-- Prefix for helper DTO classes -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for helper DTO classes -->

                                <!-- Configuration of DSL Entities interfaces generation -->
                                    <!-- Is entities interfaces generation enabled -->

                                    <!-- Package name for entities interfaces -->
                                    <!-- relative to root package name -->

                                    <!-- Prefix for entities interfaces -->

                                    <!-- Postfix for entities interfaces -->

                                    <!-- Inherit context interface in entity interface -->
                                    <!-- -->

                                    <!-- Generate context access function in entity interface -->
                                    <!-- -->

                                    <!-- Context access function name in entity interface -->
                                    <!-- -->

                                    <!-- Name of `withCurrentProjection` function in entity interface -->

                                    <!-- Configuration of DSL Entity Projection interfaces generation -->
                                        <!-- Prefix for projection interfaces -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for projection interfaces -->

                                        <!-- Name of projection argument in field functions -->

                                        <!-- Prefix for projection fields -->
                                        <!-- that are not marked with the directive `@default` -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for projection fields -->
                                        <!-- that are not marked with the directive `@default` -->

                                        <!-- Prefix for default projection fields -->
                                        <!-- (marked with the directive `@default`) -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for default projection fields -->
                                        <!-- (marked with the directive `@default`) -->

                                        <!-- Name of `minimize` function in projection interface -->

                                        <!-- Prefix for qualification interfaces -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for qualification interfaces -->

                                        <!-- Prefix for qualified projection interface -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for qualified projection interface -->

                                        <!-- Prefix for qualification functions -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for qualification functions -->

                                    <!-- Configuration of DSL Entity Selection interfaces generation -->
                                        <!-- Prefix for selection interfaces -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for selection interfaces -->

                                        <!-- Name of selection argument in field functions -->

                                        <!-- Prefix for query interfaces -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for query interfaces -->

                                        <!-- Name of query argument in field functions -->

                                <!-- Configuration of DSL Entities implementation classes generation -->
                                    <!-- Package name for entities implementation classes -->
                                    <!-- relative to root package name -->

                                    <!-- Prefix for entities implementation classes -->

                                    <!-- Postfix for entities implementation classes -->

                                    <!-- Is implementation classes should be internal -->

                                    <!-- Prefix for inner fields in implementation classes -->

                                    <!-- Postfix for inner fields in implementation classes -->

                                <!-- Configuration of adapter classes generation -->
                                    <!-- Configuration of Ktor adapter classes generation -->
                                        <!-- Is simple Ktor adapter generation enabled -->
                                        <!-- By default `true` if `io.ktor:ktor-client-cio-jvm` -->
                                        <!-- artifact is in the project dependencies -->

                                        <!-- Is composite Ktor adapter generation enabled -->
                                        <!-- By default `true` if `io.ktor:ktor-client-cio-jvm` -->
                                        <!-- artifact is in the project dependencies -->

                                        <!-- Package name for Ktor adapter classes -->
                                        <!-- relative to root package name -->

                                        <!-- Prefix for Ktor adapter classes -->

                                        <!-- Postfix for Ktor adapter classes -->

                                <!-- Configuration of resolver interfaces generation -->
                                    <!-- Is resolver interfaces generation enabled -->
                                    <!-- By default `true` if -->
                                    <!-- `com.graphql-java-kickstart:graphql-java-tools` -->
                                    <!-- artifact is in the project dependencies -->

                                    <!-- Is wrap subscription resolver functions result -->
                                    <!-- in `org.reactivestreams.Publisher` -->
                                    <!-- By default `true` if `org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams` -->
                                    <!-- artifact is in the project dependencies -->

                                    <!-- Package name for resolver interfaces -->
                                    <!-- relative to root package name -->

                                    <!-- Prefix for resolver interfaces -->
                                    <!-- By default is capitalized context name -->

                                    <!-- Postfix for resolver interfaces -->

                                    <!-- Name for parent object argument -->
                                    <!-- By default, is de-capitalized name of parent object type -->

                                    <!-- If not null, Kobby will generate default implementation for -->
                                    <!-- functions in resolver interfaces that looks like: -->
                                    <!-- TODO("$toDoMessage") -->