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Connect PostgreSQL

Connect-pg is a middleware session storage for the connect framework using PostgreSQL. Why? Because sometimes you need a relational database handling your data.


  • Production
    • connect 1.5.0 or later The HTTP server framework used by Express.
    • pg 0.50 or later The node.js client for PostgreSQL.
    • PostgreSQL 9.0 or later The database.
    • pgtap TAP style testing framework for PostgreSQL databases.
  • Development
    • jasmine-node The BDD style testing framework for JavaScript.

##Feature List

  • Create or update session information.
  • Retreive information stored for the session.
  • Delete the information for a session.
  • Count the total number of active sessions.
  • Delete all session information.
  • Automatically delete session information that has expired.


  1. Setup PostgreSQL to Use Passwords to Log In

    Refer to PostgreSQL's manual for changing the pg_hba.conf file. The database needs to be setup so that database users can log into the system using a password.

  2. Install pgTap into the Database

    pgTap is a development tool that validates whether the database is functioning properly or not. The same tests can also be used to determine what changes need to be made to the database in an installation or upgrade. So it needs to be installed first. The link to their website will provide instructions.

  3. Install the connect-pg library

    Standard Method: npm install connect-pg

    Manual Method: Download the files to your server. The only file your script needs access to is connect-pg.js found in the lib directory.

  4. Install the Testing, Upgrading, and Installation Functions

    As the superuser for the database, install the functions that test, install, and upgrade the connect-pg database. As shown in the following example:

    psql -d {database name} -U postgres -f {path to file}/session_install.sql

  5. Run the Database Correction Function

    As the database's superuser, run the database correction function.
    This will install the tables and functions into a new database, or it will update an existing database to add the new features. The following is an example of the command.

    psql -d {database name} -U postgres -c 'select correct_web()'

  6. Change the nodepg user's password

    As part of the database setup, the correct_web function will confirm or create a PostgreSQL user called nodepg. For security reasons, this user is only given enough rights to operate the connect-pg functions, and no more. Since the default password for this user is 'password', you will want to change the password for this user to something that is more secure. Example as follow:

    psql -d {database name} -U postgres -c 'alter user nodepg with password {something secret}'


  1. The database installation goes through the process of creating the connection user, and setting permissions. To use connect-pg in your Express of Connection application, you will need to create a function whose callback will contain a pg client. The following is an example:

	var pg = require('pg');

	function pgConnect (callback) {
			function (err, client) {
				if (err) {
				if (client) {

Obviously, you would change the pg connection string to something appropriate for your system.

  1. Include the requirement for connect-pg.

    var PGStore = require('connect-pg');

  2. Setup the session software to use the connect-pg for storage.

    • In connect:

      connect.session({ store: new PGStore(pgConnect), secret: 'keyboard cat'});

    • In Express:

      app.use(express.session({store: new PGStore(pgConnect), secret: 'keyboard cat'}));


Connect-pg is the first module in a series that is being developed for node.js and Express. Using the Model, View, Controller (MVC) analogy, PostgreSQL is used for the model, templates are used for the view, and Express is used for the controller.

If you wish to contribute, please follow these guidelines:

  • Only pgTap, installation/upgrade, and functions supporting them are placed in the root of the database.
  • Everything else should be placed into a given schema.
  • Tests functions should start with 'test_{schema name}_' so they don't conflict with other modules.
  • Nodepg should only be given the minimum permissions to make the module run.
  • Use pgTap tests to create an installation/upgrade function. Use connect-pg's correct_web() as an example.
  • Though you don't have to use Jasmine for every module, some automated testing method is preferred.
  • Be careful of using pgTAP's startup, setup, teardown, and shutdown functions. These run before and after the test function is run. In development this is fine, but it may cause the installation to call on features that have not been installed yet.


This software is using the MIT to match the connect license.


PostgreSQL session store for Connect







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