A simple simulation of what a gps tracker app looks like with Leaflet.js.
You can try this repo in here.
→ Holds user markers as a HTML collection.outerPolylines
→ Holds polylines for outside the polygon as a HTML collection.innerPolylines
→ Holds polylines for outside the polygon as a HTML collection.polygons
→ Holds areas as a HTML collection.
→ Holds the coordinates to use for outerPolylines. It has an index for each user, and these indexes contain arrays in which the coordinates are kept.- outerCoord[q]: qth user.
- outerCoord[q][m]: mth point of the polyline drawn for the qth user.
- outerCoord[q][m][0]: Latitude of this point.
- outerCoord[q][m][1]: Longitude of this point.
→ Holds the coordinates to use for innerPolylines. Each index is a separate array and each of these arrays contains the coordinates of its users. When exiting an area, a new array is added to the required index inside the innerCoord for the next entry. In the next entry, the coordinates taken inside the area are kept in this array.- innerCoord[q]: qth user.
- innerCoord[q][m]: Coordinates to be used in the mth entry of the area for qth user.
- innerCoord[q][m][n]: nth moves coordinate in the mth area for qth user
- innerCoord[q][m][n][0]: Latitude of this point.
- innerCoord[q][m][n][1]: Longitude of this point.
→ It used to determine of new arrays to be added to the innerCoord. It has an index for each user. Each index contains a two-element array.- inx[q]: qth user.
- inx[q][0]: Represent different permanent polylines for qth user. Incremented by one each time you exit the area.
- inx[q][1]: Represent points of these polylines. Incremented by one every move inside of area. Reset every time you exit the area.
→ Holds the last date entered in the area. It has an index for each user. -
→ Holds the last time spent in the area. It has an index for each user. Each index contains a four-element array.- time[q]: qth user.
- time[q][0]: Represent milliseconds.
- time[q][1]: Represent seconds.
- time[q][2]: Represent minutes.
- time[q][3]: Represent hours.
→ Last visited area. It has an index for each user.
→ Variable that holds the starting position.control
→ Control variable required to capture the moment of entry and exit into the area.tInx
→ Holds the row index that needs to be updated in the tables.
walk(n, lineLength, intervalRate, dist, polygons)
→ Function that does main work like updating arrays, shifting polylines etc... It takes five parameters:
- n → Number of users.
- lineLength → Number of points to use to draw outerPolylines.
- intervalRate → Speed of setInterval for operations.
- dist → Distance from which the new location will be selected. Larger the value, smaller the distance between the new location and the old location.
- polygons → Defined areas.
Local Variables: Nothing.
return: No.
→ Function that adds popup to markers. It takes one parameter:
- q → User index.
Local Variables: Nothing.
return: No.
newLocation(dist, lineLength, q)
→ Function that selects the direction and new location of the users. It takes three parameters:
- dist → Same as other.
- lineLength → Same as other.
- q → User index.
Local Variables: latV
, Number to add latitude. lngV
, Number to add longitude. direction
, Direction of new location.
return: No.
isContain(polygons, j)
→ Function that checks if the user is inside an area or not. It takes two parameters:
- polygons → Defined areas.
- j → User index.
Local Variables: Nothing.
return: Yes. If user is inside an area, it returns the index of that area. Otherwise it returns -1.
getAreaTime(baseValue, timeFractions)
→ Function that converts the millisecond difference of the entry and exit dates of the area to other time fractions. It takes two parameters:
- baseValue → Raw millisecond data.
- timeFractions → Time fractions. For example [1000, 60, 60]. 1000, converts milliseconds to seconds. 60, converts seconds to minutes. 2nd 60, converts minutes to hours. If a 24 is added to the end, the hours are converted to days.
Local Variables: Nothing.
return: Yes. Returns the edited duration data. Index 0 represents milliseconds, Index 1 represents seconds, Index 2 represents minutes, Index 3 represents hours etc...
→ Function that draw areas.
Local Variables: polygonLatlngs
, Coordinates of the areas are manually entered into the this array. Each index of this array must contain an array containing the coordinates of the area.
- polygonLatlngs[m]: mth area.
- polygonLatlngs[m][n]: nth point of the mth area.
- polygonLatlngs[m][n][0]: Latitude of this point.
- polygonLatlngs[m][n][1]: Longitude of this point.
return: Yes. Returns an array containing the Leaflet objects of the areas.
- Leaflet.js: Javascript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.
- Leaflet.PointInPolygon: Leaflet plugin/extension that provides point-in-polygon functions based on Dan Sunday's C++ winding number implementation.
- Leaflet.fullscreen: A fullscreen control for Leaflet.
- esri-leaflet: A lightweight set of tools for working with ArcGIS services in Leaflet.
- leaflet-color-markers: Color variations of the standard Leaflet marker.