Taipei Trip 旅遊電商網站
This website is built with the Taipei City tourist attractions from Taipei Open Data Platform. Features include:
- Browse and Search attractions on the homepage
- Membership system for sign up / sign in
- Shopping cart system for booking the attraction guide
- Integrate TapPay SDK for providing online payment service
Taipei Trip website:
Test Account:[email protected] (or sign up new user)
Test Password:test
Credit Card:4242 4242 4242 4242
- Created with Python Flask
- Used MVC design pattern in Python and Javascript
- Combined Nginx, Flask, MySQL and Let's Encrypt(auto renew SSL certification) with Docker Compose for rapid deployment
- Built RESTful style API
- Used MySQL for storing data and applied Index & Foreign key
- Integrate Third-party payment: TapPay SDK
- Used HTML and CSS to accomplish RWD
- Applied infinite scroll to automatically load next 12 attractions data
- Supported searching attractions by keywords
User Sign Up / Sign In
Present information of that attraction and supply booking guide service
User needs to fill in personal and payment information for booking guide service.
Show the trip information and the payment status