Create beautiful code screenshots using Silicon
More examples can be found here
- NeoVim 0.9+ (can probably get away with earlier versions but I haven't tested them yet)
- Cargo for the auto installation (or install Silicon yourself first)
- [Optional] ImageMagick 7 (For applying the watermark)
All these values are defaults and can be overridden in your config. Although the setup function must be called with or without opts.
return {
-- Installs silicon using cargo. Remove if you wish to manually install silicon.
build = ":SnapBuild",
opts = {
-- Action done when no action is specified. Can be "clipboard" or "file".
default_action = "clipboard",
-- Don't show line numbers in screenshot.
hide_ln_numbers = false,
-- Use sharp edges for code frame.
no_rounded_corners = false,
-- Don't show close, full screen, and minimize buttons.
hide_controls = false,
-- Don't add window title (See 'window_title' below).
hide_window_title = false,
-- Hex color used in background. Superseded by background_image if not nil.
background_colour = "#aaaaff",
-- Path to image to use as background. Must be absolute. May use '~' for $HOME.
background_image = nil,
-- If true then line numbers will be the same as the lines in your code.
-- If false then line numbers will start at 1.
line_offset = false,
-- Space between lines.
line_pad = 2,
-- Horizontal padding between code and edge of screen.
pad_h = 80,
-- Vertical padding between code and edge of screen.
pad_v = 100,
shadow_blur_radius = 0,
shadow_color = "#555555",
shadow_offset_x = 0,
shadow_offset_y = 0,
tab_width = 4,
-- Can be a theme name (see 'silicon --list-themes') or
-- a path to a .tmTheme file (Must be prefixed with tmTheme://)
-- e.g.'tmTheme://~/Downloads/InspiredGitHub.tmTheme'
theme = "Dracula",
-- Path to save the screenshot if no path is provided.
-- May be a String or a func(number):boolean.
-- If It's a string then it must be a directory
-- (will be created if it doesn't exist).
-- The directory may be relative or absolute.
-- e.g. "./snapshots/"
-- If it's a function then it will be called with the current buffer number and
-- it must return the file path (may be relative or absolute).
default_path = function(_)
return vim.fn.getcwd() .. "/" .. uuid() .. ".png"
-- May be a string or func(number):string.
-- If string then it will be expanded using vim.fn.expand().
-- If it's a function then it will be called with the current buffer number.
window_title = "%:t",
-- [Highly Experimental] Water-mark options. Can be nil or a table.
-- If nil then watermark is disabled.
-- If it's a table then all fields are required. Default is nil.
-- Water mark was tested on Linux X11.
-- Clipboard with watermark functionality may be broken on Wayland
-- or other operating systems.
watermark = {
-- Font used in watermark.
font = "JetBrainsMono-NF-Regular",
-- Color of generated text.
font_color = "white",
-- water mark text. Consider using a Nerd Font if you want to add special
-- unicode chars.
text = " eslam-allam",
-- Location of generated watermark.
-- Can be any of "NorthWest", "North", "NorthEast", "East", "SouthEast",
-- "South", "SouthWest", "West", "Center", or "Tile"
-- If "Tile" then a checker like pattern will be used to fill the screen.
-- (see assets/tile.png)
position = "NorthWest",
-- Watermark font size.
font_size = 25,
-- watermark opacity. Must be between 0 and 1.
opacity = 1
This plugin provides two commands:
- Snap
- SnapBuild
If called with no arguments then the default action is taken. (See 'default_action' above).
Accepts two arguments:
- type="clipboard" or "file"
- file_path="full path given that type="file""
file_path may be relative and may include "~" for $HOME
If no range is provided then user must be in visual mode and the highlighted text will be used.
If a range is supplied then that will be used instead.
Example Usage:
- Default action:
- To Clipboard:
:Snap type=clipboard
- To file:
:Snap type=file file_path=~/Downloads/test.png
- To file with range:
:'<,'>Snap type=file file_path=./codeSnaps/tile.png
- Installs Silicon using Cargo.
- Accepts no arguments.