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This is an original Pytorch Implementation for our paper "EMCA: Efficient Multi-Scale Channel Attention Module"

1- Abstract:

Attention mechanisms have been explored with CNNs,both across the spatial and channel dimensions. However,all the existing methods devote the attention modules to cap-ture local interactions from a uni-scale. This paper tacklesthe following question: Can one consolidate multi-scale ag-gregation while learning channel attention more efficiently?To this end, we avail channel-wise attention over multi-ple feature scales, which empirically shows its aptitude toreplace the limited local and uni-scale attention modules.EMCA is lightweight and can efficiently model the globalcontext further it is easily integrated into any feed-forwardCNN architectures and trained in an end-to-end fashion. Wevalidate our novel architecture through comprehensive ex-periments on image classification, object detection and in-stance segmentation with different backbones. Our experi-ments show consistent gains in performances against theircounterparts, where our proposed module, named EMCA,outperforms other channel attention techniques in accuracyand latency trade-off. We also conduct experiments thatprobe the robustness of the learned representations.

2- Motivation:

2.1- Avoid Dense Integration Intuation:

revisit Architecture

2.2- Avoid Dense Integration Results:

Method Model FPS #.P (M) Top-1(%) Top-5(%) Weights FPS #.P (M) Top-1(%) Top-5(%) Weights FPS #.P (M) Top-1(%) Top-5(%) Weights
ALL 187 11.231 70.59 89.78 xx 192 11.148 70.75 89.74 xx 154 11.152 70.96 89.81 xx
First R-18 204 11.189 70.91 89.96 xx 212 11.148 70.63 89.85 xx 165 11.150 71.31 90.07 xx
Last 204 11.189 70.92 89.83 xx 212 11.148 70.81 89.84 xx 165 11.150 71.04 90.00 xx
All 101 20.938 73.87 91.65 xx 107 20.788 74.13 91.68 xx 82 20.795 73.98 91.68 xx
First R-34 122 20.829 73.84 91.64 xx 122 20.788 74.20 91.84 xx 96 20.790 74.51 91.91 xx
Last 122 20.829 73.64 91.49 xx 122 20.788 73.75 91.47 xx 96 20.790 73.63 91.44 xx
All 90 26.772 76.80 93.39 xx 87 24.373 77.12 93.68 xx 71 24.402 77.13 93.51 xx
First R-50 97 25.037 76.56 93.28 xx 98 24.373 77.02 93.49 xx 81 24.380 76.98 93.41 xx
Last 97 25.037 75.71 92.60 xx 98 24.373 76.37 93.18 xx 81 24.380 76.73 93.26 xx

2- EMCA Architecture:

2.-1- Multi-Scale Inocrporation

EMCA Architecture

2.2- Integrating EMCA Module:

Integrating EMCA Module

2.3- EMCA Algorithm:

Pseudo Code

3- HeatMap Visualization:

HeatMap Visualization HeatMap Visualization

4- Scales Visualization:

HeatMap Visualization

5- Top-1 Accuracy Visualization:

HeatMap Visualization

6- Results:

S N`_i-j Model FPS #.P (M) Top-1(%) Top-5(%) Weights FPS #.P (M) Top-1(%) Top-5(%) Weights FPS #.P (M) Top-1(%) Top-5(%) Weights
N/A N/A R-18 187 11.231 70.59 89.78 xx 192 11.148 70.75 89.74 xx 154 11.152 70.96 89.81 xx
0 0 204 11.189 70.91 89.96 xx 212 11.148 70.63 89.85 xx 165 11.150 71.31 90.07 xx
1 1 156 11.189 71.02 89.98 xx 174 11.148 70.83 89.96 xx 123 11.150 71.20 90.00 xx
1 N_i-j 160 11.190 71.00 90.00 xx 170 11.148 71.04 89.99 xx 113 11.150 71.02 90.00 xx
i-1 1 153 11.190 71.02 90.12 xx 169 11.148 70.59 89.78 xx 113 11.150 71.00 89.81 xx
N/A N/A R-34 101 20.938 73.87 91.65 xx 107 20.788 74.13 91.68 xx 82 20.795 73.98 91.68 xx
0 0 122 20.829 73.84 91.64 xx 122 20.788 74.20 91.84 xx 96 20.790 74.51 91.91 xx
1 1 109 20.829 74.33 91.89 xx 109 20.788 74.39 91.81 xx 82 20.790 74.39 91.77 xx
1 N_i-j 107 20.829 74.40 91.89 xx 107 20.788 74.46 91.70 xx 81 20.790 74.38 91.87 xx
i-1 1 103 20.829 74.02 91.74 xx 108 20.788 74.14 91.81 xx 80 20.790 74.57 91.90 xx
N/A N/A R-50 90 26.772 76.80 93.39 xx 87 24.373 77.12 xx 93.68 71 24.402 77.13 93.51 xx
0 0 97 25.037 76.56 93.28 xx 98 24.373 77.02 93.49 xx 81 24.380 76.98 93.41 xx
1 1 88 25.037 77.10 93.49 xx 94 24.373 76.98 93.55 xx 70 24.380 77.00 93.72 xx
1 N_i-j 90 25.037 77.33 93.52 xx 92 24.373 77.13 93.49 xx 70 24.380 77.20 93.54 xx
i-1 1 89 25.037 76.85 93.42 xx 91 24.373 76.82 93.41 xx 71 24.380 77.05 93.50 xx
S N'_i-j Model FPS #.P (M) Top-1 Top-5 FPS #.P (M) Top-1 Top-5 FPS #.P (M) Top-1 Top-5
N/A N/A R-18 187 11.231 70.59 89.78 192 11.148 70.75 89.74 154 11.152 70.96 89.81
0 0 204 11.189 70.91 89.96 212 11.148 70.63 89.85 165 11.150 71.31 90.07
1, 1 156 11.189 71.02 89.98 174 11.148 70.83 89.96 123 11.150 71.20 90.00
1 N_i-j 160 11.190 71.00 90.00 170 11.148 71.04 89.99 113 11.150 71.02 90.00
i-1 1 153 11.190 71.02 90.12 169 11.148 70.59 89.78 113 11.150 71.00 89.81
N/A, N/A R-34 101 20.938 73.87 91.65 107 20.788 74.13 91.68 82 20.795 73.98 91.68
0, 0 122 20.829 73.84 91.64 122 20.788 74.20 91.84 96 20.790 74.51 91.91
1, 1 109 20.829 74.33 91.89 109 20.788 74.39 91.81 82 20.790 74.39 91.77
1, N_i-j 107 20.829 74.40 91.89 107 20.788 74.46 91.70 81 20.790 74.38 91.87
i-1, 1 103 20.829 74.02 91.74 108 20.788 74.14 91.81 80 20.790 74.57 91.90
N/A, N/A R-50 90 26.772 76.80 93.39 87 24.373 77.12 93.68 71 24.402 77.13 93.51
0, 0 97 25.037 76.56 93.28 98 24.373 77.02 93.49 81 24.380 76.98 93.41
1, 1 88 25.037 77.10 93.49 94 24.373 76.98 93.55 70 24.380 77.00 93.72
1, N_i-j 90 25.037 77.33 93.52 92 24.373 77.13 93.49 70 24.380 77.20 93.54
i-1 1 89 25.037 76.85 93.42 91 24.373 76.82 93.41 71 24.380 77.05 93.50
Methods Model #.P (M) GFLOPs Top-1(RI) Top-5 FPS FPS* FPS**
ResNet R-18 11.148 1.694 70.40 89.45 270 23552 859
+SENet 11.231 1.695 70.59 89.78 187 21760 839
+EMCA-SE 11.190 1.695 71.00(215) 90.00 160 17313 813
+ECANet 11.148 1.695 70.78 89.92 192 22287 848
+ECANet* 11.148 1.695 70.75 89.74 192 22287 848
+EMCA-ECA 11.148 1.695 71.04(83) 89.99 170 19023 833
+SRM* 11.152 1.695 70.96 89.81 154 18794 823
+EMCA-SRM 11.150 1.694 71.02(10) 90.00 113 15190 803
ResNet R-34 20.788 3.419 73.31 91.40 168 19712 840
+SENet 20.938 3.421 73.87 91.65 101 14279 805
+EMCA-SE 20.829 3.421 74.41 (96) 91.90 107 14372 812
+ECANet 20.788 3.420 74.21 91.83 107 14067 825
+ECANet* 20.788 3.420 74.13 91.68 107 14067 825
+EMCA-ECA 20.788 3.421 74.46 (40) 91.70 107 14080 822
+SRM* 20.795 3.419 73.98 91.68 82 12655 803
+EMCA-SRM 20.790 3.419 74.38 (59) 91.87 81 12579 795
ResNet R-50 24.373 3.829 75.89 92.85 124 10032 668
+SENet 26.772 3.837 76.80 93.39 90 8156 597
+EMCA-SE 25.037 3.835 77.33 (58) 93.52 90 8099 589
+ECANet 24.373 3.834 77.48 93.68 87 8517 591
+ECANet * 24.373 3.834 77.12 93.68 87 8517 591
+EMCA-ECA 24.373 3.834 77.13 (1) 93.49 92 8615 600
+SRM * 24.402 3.829 77.13 93.51 71 6745 536
+EMCA-SRM 24.380 3.829 77.20 (6) 93.54 70 6698 532
Methods Model #.P (M) GFLOPs Top-1 Top-5 FPS FPS* FPS**
ResNet R-18 11.148 1.694 70.40 89.45 270 23552 859
SENet 11.231 1.695 70.59 89.78 187 21760 839
ECANet* 11.148 1.695 70.75 89.74 192 22287 839
SRM* 11.152 1.694 70.96 89.81 154 18794 823
FCANet* 11.231 1.694 70.98 90.00 119 17680 808
BAM 11.712 1.821 75.98 92.82 91 7159 527
CBAM 11.234 1.695 70.73 89.91 104 8734 789
EMCA-ECA 11.148 1.695 71.04 89.99 170 19023 833
EMCA-SRM 11.150 1.694 71.02 90.00 113 15190 803
EMCA-SE 11.190 1.695 71.00 90.00 160 17313 813
ResNet R-34 20.788 3.419 73.31 91.4 168 19712 840
SENet 20.938 3.421 73.87 91.65 101 14279 805
ECANet* 20.788 3.420 74.13 91.68 107 14067 825
SRM* 20.795 3.419 73.98 91.68 82 12655 803
FCANet* 20.938 3.419 74.18 91.75 87 13094 812
CBAM 20.943 3.420 74.01 91.76 59 12001 760
EMCA-ECA 20.788 3.421 74.46 91.70 107 14080 822
EMCA-SRM 20.790 3.419 74.38 91.87 81 12579 795
EMCA-SE 20.829 3.421 74.41 91.90 107 14372 812
ResNet R-50 24.373 3.829 75.89 92.85 124 10032 668
SENet 26.772 3.837 76.80 93.39 90 8156 597
ECANet* 24.373 3.834 77.12 93.68 87 8517 591
SRM* 24.402 3.829 77.13 93.51 71 6745 536
FCANet* 26.772 3.831 77.27 93.70 74 7984 549
EPSANet* 21.517 3.373 77.31 93.72 28 802 388
SANet* 24.373 3.832 77.25 93.66 68 6670 406
A^2Nets 33.006 6.502 77.00 93.50 N/A N/A N/A
BAM 25.92 3.946 75.98 92.82 91 7159 527
CBAM 26.775 3.837 77.34 93.69 55 2460 208
EMCA-ECA 24.373 3.834 77.13 93.49 92 8615 600
EMCA-SRM 24.380 3.829 77.20 93.54 71 6698 532
EMCA-SE 25.037 3.835 77.33 93.52 90 8099 589
Methods Detectors #.P (M) GFLOPs AP AP_50 AP_75 AP_S AP_M AP_L
ResNet-50 41.53 207.07 36.4 58.2 39.2 21.8 40.0 46.2
+SE 44.02 207.18 37.7 60.1 40.9 22.9 41.9 48.2
EMCA+SE 42.56 207.18 38.1 60.6 50.2 23.6 42.2 48.4
+ECA 41.53 207.18 38.0 60.6 40.9 23.4 42.1 48.0
+EMCA+ECA Faster R-CNN 41.53 207.18 38.2 60.9 50.0 23.7 42.2 48.2
ResNet-50 44.18 275.58 37.2 58.9 40.3 22.2 40.7 48.0
+1 NL 46.50 288.70 38.0 59.8 41.0 N/A N/A N/A
+GC 46.90 279.60 39.4 61.6 42.4 N/A N/A N/A
+SE 46.67 275.69 38.7 60.9 42.1 23.4 42.7 50.0
+EMCA+SE 45.13 275.69 39.0 61.4 42.3 23.7 42.9 50.1
+ECA 44.18 275.69 39.0 61.3 42.1 24.2 42.8 49.9
+EMCA+ECA Mask R-CNN 44.18 275.69 39.1 61.5 42.1 24.4 42.9 49.9
ResNet-50 37.74 239.32 35.6 55.5 38.2 20.0 39.6 46.8
+SE 40.23 239.43 37.1 57.2 39.9 21.2 40.7 49.3
+EMCA+SE 38.88 239.43 37.2 57.4 39.9 21.2 40.7 49.3
+ECA 37.74 239.43 37.3 57.7 39.6 21.9 41.3 48.9
+EMCA+ECA RetinaNet 37.74 239.43 37.3 57.8 39.6 21.9 41.3 48.9
Methods #.P (M) GFLOPs AP AP_50 AP_75 AP_S AP_M AP_L
ResNet-50 44.18 275.58 34.1 55.5 36.2 16.1 36.7 50.0
+SE 46.67 275.69 35.4 57.4 37.8 17.1 38.6 51.8
+EMCA+SE 45.13 275.69 35.7 58.1 38.0 17.8 39.0 51.9
+ECA 44.18 275.69 35.6 58.1 37.7 17.6 39.0 51.8
+EMCA+ECA 44.18 275.69 35.7 58.4 37.7 17.9 39.1 51.9



MSCA: Multi-Scale Channel Attention Module






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