This is a collection of code I reuse/random coding projects that I do not want to take up a whole repo with
- CustomRandomRails -> Some code I have used in rails that I haven saved for future use
- dotfiles -> A collection of dotfiles including my bash aliases for my local machine and servers
- Go_Figure -> Ruby Code to solve a newspaper math puzzle
- OO_TypeScript -> Some basic Object Oriented with TypeScript
- Heorot-JS -> Some JS functions I have written and saved for reuse, but mostly just to explore more about JS
- Ruby_Battleship -> A Ruby Battleship console game I created long ago and am now rewriting from the ground up with my current knowledge (The new version does not yet work)
- Ruby_Benchmarker -> A set up Ruby Benchmarking suite
- Sessrumnir:Ruby_Tools -> Ruby bits of code that I have saved. The code to help with math solutions mostly was inspired by project euler.
- Sinatra_Rake_File -> A customized Sinatra Rake File (Basic rake experimentation, not touched since before I learned Rails)