Generate unique passwords based on one master password and website domains. This service is available online at and as an extension for Chrome.
The password for each website is generated as a cryptographic hash function from its domain and a master password. Currently MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 are available. When SHA3 is officially released, it will also be added.
Please see the About page for the feature list.
Screenshots -----------Here's the popup used to generate and insert the password into the fields on the page:
And here's the extension options page:
How to build ------------Both website and extension versions work directly from the repository, but it is also possible to create an extension ZIP-file. To do it, first pull the repository with the submodules:
git pull --recurse-submodules
Then run the build script:
Add password verification (check password entered in the popup).
Acknowledgements ----------------The idea of generating passwords based on site domains is taken from PasswordMaker.
jshash library by Paul Johnson aka Paj is used to compute hash functions.