VRE is a web-based collaborative working environment providing its users with a set of ready-to-use services (datasets, analysis tools and visualizaters) for supporting a research lifecycle. It is written in PHP, HTML and Javascript.
Several research projects has adopted the VRE framework for its project-specific purposes:
- MuG : https://vre.multiscalegenomics.eu
- OpenEBench : https://openebench.bsc.es/vre
- Web server (e.g. Apache2 or Nginx)
- Mongo Server (<=4.2)
- PHP (<=5.6) and mongoDB PHP driver
- composer
- composer.json: 3rd party software requirements
- config : configuration files
- install : installation instructions and data
- logs : paths for VRE logging files
- public : web application elements
- web pages
- home pages for 'Homepage' section
- workspace pages for 'User Workspace' section
- getdata pages for 'Get Data' section
- launch pages for 'Run Tool / Visualizers' section
- help pages for 'Help' section
- helpdesk pages for 'Helpdesk' section
- admin pages for 'Admin' section
- user pages for 'User Profile' section
- cookies notification
- libraries
- applib : pages' backend
- assets : pages' client scripts
- phplib : VRE libraries and classes
- htmlib : html templates
- content
- tools : web form, assets and summart page for integrated tools
- visualizers : visualizers code
- scripts : maintainance scripts