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Discovering Malicious Functionality through Binary Reconstruction


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This tool identifies functions within malware PE binaries which differ from benign PE binaries. That is, it detects malicious functions within malware binaries.

It clusters extracted malicious functionalities from malware samples so the analyst can incrementally label each cluster (reviewing a small set of samples per cluster), and automatically identify known functions they have seen in the past. This allows the analyst to focus on new emerging malware behaviors in their malware feed.

For technical details, please see the paper cited below.


  • Input: unpacked malware PE binary
  • Middle: list of all basic blocks in binary along with their reconstruction error values (MSE values)
  • Output: choosing a threshold (based on average MSE value per function), identifies regions of interest (RoI) (i.e., basic blocks with MSE values above threshold), and clusters the averaged feature vectors of RoIs

Usage: Using ground-truth malware binaries, choose an MSE threshold which gives the analyst their desired results (tune to favor increasing TPR or decreasing FPR).


  • Requirements:
    • Tested on Debian 10 (Buster)
    • Python 3 (tested with Python 3.7.3) and pip
    • BinaryNinja 2.3 (used to extract features and function information from binaries)
    • PostgreSQL 11.10 (to store results)
    • virtualenvwrapper (optional, but recommended)
    • parallel (optional, but recommended)
  • Setup:
    $ git clone
    $ cd deepreflect/
    $ mkvirtualenv dr --python=python3
    (dr) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker Container

BinaryNinja setup:

  • Zip Linux version of binaryninja/ folder.
    • $ 7z a binaryninja.7z binaryninja/
  • Copy binaryninja.7z into binja_setup/.
  • Copy license.dat into binja_setup/.

Build dr container:

$ docker build -t dr .

Run dr container:

$ docker run --rm dr --help



  • Obtain unpacked benign and malicious PE file datasets
    • Benign folder layout: /data/benign_unpacked/benign/<binary_files>
    • Malicious folder layout: /data/malicious_unpacked/<family_label>/<binary_files>
  • Extract binary features & data
    (dr) $ ./ /data/benign_unpacked/
    (dr) $ ./ /data/malicious_unpacked/
  • Train autoencoder:
    (dr) $ cd ./autoencoder/
    # Split & shuffle benign dataset
    (dr) $ python /data/benign_unpacked_bndb_raw_feature/ train.txt test.txt > split_stdout.txt
    (dr) $ for fn in 'train.txt' 'test.txt'; do shuf $fn > tmp.txt; mv tmp.txt $fn; done
    # Check that benign samples use all features:
    (dr) $ python train.txt
    (dr) $ python test.txt
    # Check that malicious samples use all features:
    (dr) $ find /data/malicious_unpacked_bndb_raw_feature/ -type f > malicious.txt
    (dr) $ python malicious.txt
    # Get max values (for normalizing)
    (dr) $ python --train train.txt \
                               --test test.txt \
                               --output normalize.npy
    # Train model
    (dr) $ time python --train train.txt \
                                      --test test.txt \
                                      --normalize normalize.npy \
                                      --model dr.h5 > autoencoder_stdout.txt 2> autoencoder_stderr.txt
  • Cluster suspicious functions:
    • Extract MSE values for each malware basic block:
      (dr) $ cd ./autoencoder/
      (dr) $ time python --feature malicious.txt \
                                --model dr.h5 \
                                --normalize normalize.npy \
                                --output /data/malicious_unpacked_bndb_raw_feature_mse/ 2> mse_stderr.txt
    • Identify desired threshold. See Grading.
    • Extract RoI (basic blocks) and output average RoI feature vectors for each function:
      (dr) $ cd ./autoencoder/
      (dr) $ mkdir roi/
      (dr) $ time python --bndb-func /data/malicious_unpacked_bndb_function/ \
                                --feature /data/malicious_unpacked_bndb_raw_feature/ \
                                --mse /data/malicious_unpacked_bndb_raw_feature_mse/ \
                                --normalize normalize.npy \
                                --output roi/ \
                                --bb --avg --thresh 7.293461392658043e-06 > roi/stdout.txt 2> roi/stderr.txt
      # Extract MSE values for each highlighted function (avg RoI MSE value)
      (dr) $ time python --bndb-func /data/malicious_unpacked_bndb_function/ \
                                     --feature /data/malicious_unpacked_bndb_raw_feature/ \
                                     --roiFN roi/fn.npy \
                                     --roiAddr roi/addr.npy \
                                     --thresh 7.293461392658043e-06 \
                                     --output roi/mse_func.npy > /dev/null
    • Create & initialize database:
      $ psql --list
      $ createdb dr
      $ psql -d dr -f ./db/create.sql
      # To export/import database to another database
      $ pg_dump -O dr -f export.sql
      $ psql -d dr -f export.sql
      # To clear database (i.e., drop tables)
      $ psql -d dr -f ./db/drop.sql
      # To remove database
      $ dropdb dr
    • Modify ./cluster/cluster.cfg and ./binaryninja/deepreflect/db.cfg files
    • Cluster functions containing RoI:
      (dr) $ cd ./cluster/
      (dr) $ time python --cfg cluster.cfg  > pca_hdbscan_stdout.txt
    • Graph percentage of functions highlighted:
      (dr) $ cd ./cluster/
      (dr) $ python --functions /data/malicious_unpacked_bndb_function/ \
                                         --fn ../autoencoder/roi/fn.npy \
                                         --addr ../autoencoder/roi/addr.npy \
                                         --output function_coverage.png > function_coverage_stdout.txt


  • Here we provide real malware binaries compiled from source code which have been open-sourced or leaked. These are real malware. Do NOT execute these binaries. They should be used for educational purposes only.
  • Download CAPA release binary and move it to grader/capa/capa
  • Extract CAPA results
    (dr) $ cd grader/capa/
    (dr) $ ./
  • Graph ROC curves
    (dr) $ cd grader/
    (dr) $ unzip # Password is "infected"
    (dr) $ time ./ &> roc_stdout_stderr.txt
  • Pick desired threshold
    (dr) $ vim roc_stdout_stderr.txt
  • Examine FPs & FNs due to chosen threshold
    (dr) $ ./ 9.053894787328584e-08 &> examine_stdout_stderr.txt
    (dr) $ vim examine_stdout_stderr.txt
  • Observe characteristics about benign and malicious functions
    (dr) $ ./ > info_stdout.txt
    (dr) $ vim info_stdout.txt

Post Processing

  • To continue improving results, we've added some post-processing steps to our tool.
  • Run post-processing
    (dr) $ cd post-processing/
    • Prioritize TPs over FPs
      • Sort functions by MSE value (calculated by avg RoI MSE value) to list TPs before FPs
        • Our intuition is that functions more unrecognizable by the autoencoder are more likely to be malicious.
      • Sort functions by number of basic blocks to list TPs before FPs
        • We observed that (on average) malicious functions from our ground-truth samples have more basic blocks than benign functions.
      • Sort functions by number of function callees (functions called by a function) to list TPs before FPs
        • We observed that (on average) malicious functions from our ground-truth samples have more function callees than benign functions.
      • Sort functions randomly to list TPs before FPs
        • This is a gut-check to make sure something naive won't work better
      • Sort functions by address to list TPs before FPs
        • It is obviously a poor assumption that malicious functionalities would appear in the binary in a specific order linearly.
        • This is a gut-check to make sure something naive won't work better
      • Grade each option from above
        # Run "" above first
        (dr) $ ./ 9.053894787328584e-08 > grade_sort_stdout.txt
        (dr) $ vim grade_sort_stdout.txt
    • Reduce FPs
      • Ignore functions which have few basic blocks
        • We observed that (on average) malicious functions from our ground-truth samples have more basic blocks than benign functions.
      • Ignore functions which have few internal/external function calls
        • We observed that (on average) malicious functions from our ground-truth samples have more callees than benign functions.
      • See above grader section for this option's results
    • Reduce FNs
      • Signature-based solutions can be used to identify known functionalities, and thus could catch FNs missed by DeepReflect.
        • If CAPA identifies a function, it's marked. Else it gets a score from DeepReflect.
      • See above grader section for this option's results


  • Why don't you release the binaries used to train and evaluate DeepReflect (other than ground-truth samples)?
    • We cannot release malware binaries because of our agreement with those who provided them to us.
    • We cannot release benign binaries because of copyright rules.
      • If you're looking for benign binaries, you might consider crawling them on CNET. Make sure to verify they're not malicious via VirusTotal.
    • We do, however, release our extracted features so models can be trained from scratch.


  title = {{DeepReflect}: {Discovering} {Malicious} {Functionality} through {Binary} {Reconstruction}},
  shorttitle = {{DeepReflect}},
  booktitle = {30th \$\{\${USENIX}\$\}\$ {Security} {Symposium} (\$\{\${USENIX}\$\}\$ {Security} 21)},
  author = {Downing, Evan and Mirsky, Yisroel and Park, Kyuhong and Lee, Wenke},
  year = {2021}


Discovering Malicious Functionality through Binary Reconstruction







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