Buddy synchronizes Google CloudDNS records with Google Compute Engine instances.
Design and implementation are inspired by Mate.
Project parameters:
- google-project : project ID that manages the DNS zone and compute resources
- google-zone : name of the google compute zone to manage
- google-region : name of the google compute region to manage
- external-ip-dns-zone : default DNS managed zone name for external IPs
- internal-ip-dns-zone : default DNS managed zone name for internal IPs
- dns-ttl : TTL in seconds for managed DNS resource records (default 300)
- dns-zones : comma separated names of DNS managed zones
- multiple-ip-record : allow multiple IP addresses in A record (default true)
- producer : the endpoints producer to use (default google)
- consumer : the endpoints consumer to use (default google)
- json-log : log as JSON instead of the default ASCII formatter
Instance metadata:
- external-dns-zone : Name of DNS managed zone for EXTERNAL_IP (A + TXT records).
Value of project external-ip-dns-zone is used, when metadata value is empty - internal-dns-zone : Name of DNS managed zone for INTERNAL_IP (A + TXT records). Value of project external-ip-dns-zone is used, when metadata value is empty
- external-ip-hostname : hostname in the external DNS zone or instance name when empty
- internal-ip-hostname : hostname in the internal DNS zone or instance name when empty
- external-dns-zone : Name of DNS managed zone for EXTERNAL_IP (A + TXT records).
Instance tags - the same as instance metadata with empty value
For each tagged instance Buddy will create separate records for EXTERNAL_IP and INTERNAL_IP in the DNS zones:
A record - external or internal IP(s)
DNS Name:
<hostname>.<Zone DNS Name>.
- hostname:
- instance-name
- internal-ip-hostname
- external-ip-hostname
- Zone DNS Name is a DNS Name in the configured managed DNS Zone
- hostname:
TXT record - it has the same name as an A record. This helps to identify which records are created via Buddy
TXT data:
Create DNS Zones
$ gcloud dns managed-zones create internal-example-com --description="DNS Zone for internal IPs" --dns-name=internal.example.org $ gcloud dns managed-zones create external-example-com --description="DNS Zone for external IPs" --dns-name=external.example.org $ gcloud dns managed-zones list NAME DNS_NAME DESCRIPTION external-example-com external.example.org. DNS Zone for external IPs internal-example-com internal.example.org. DNS Zone for internal IPs $ gcloud dns record-sets list -z internal-example-com NAME TYPE TTL DATA internal.example.org. NS 21600 ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a4.googledomains.com. internal.example.org. SOA 21600 ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 3600 259200 300 $ gcloud dns record-sets list -z external-example-com NAME TYPE TTL DATA external.example.org. NS 21600 ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d4.googledomains.com. external.example.org. SOA 21600 ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 3600 259200 300
Running Buddy
2.1. GKE
Create Kubernetes cluster
$ gcloud container clusters create admin-cluster --zone europe-west1-c --scopes "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/ndev.clouddns.readwrite"
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: buddy spec: replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: app: buddy spec: containers: - name: buddy image: everesio/buddy:0.0.1 args: - --google-project=my-project - --google-zone=europe-west1-c - --internal-ip-dns-zone=internal-example-com - --external-ip-dns-zone=external-example-com - --sync-interval=15
deploy buddy to K8S
$ kubectl config use-context gke_my-project_europe-west1-c_admin-cluster $ kubectl create -f buddy-deployment.yaml
2.2. standalone
$ buddy --google-project=my-project --google-zone=europe-west1-c --internal-ip-dns-zone=internal-example-com --external-ip-dns-zone=external-example-com --sync-interval=15
Create compute Engine with tag internal-ip-dns-zone and check DNS
$ gcloud compute --project "my-project" instances create "instance-1" --zone "europe-west1-c" --machine-type "f1-micro" --tags "internal-ip-dns-zone" NAME ZONE MACHINE_TYPE PREEMPTIBLE INTERNAL_IP EXTERNAL_IP STATUS instance-1 europe-west1-c f1-micro RUNNING Buddy logs INFO[2017-03-09T23:08:41+01:00] [Synchronize] Synchronizing DNS entries... INFO[2017-03-09T23:08:43+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change addition: instance-1.internal.example.org. / [] $ gcloud dns record-sets list -z internal-example-com NAME TYPE TTL DATA internal.example.org. NS 21600 ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a4.googledomains.com. internal.example.org. SOA 21600 ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 3600 259200 300 instance-1.internal.example.org. A 300 instance-1.internal.example.org. TXT 300 "buddy/europe-west1-c/"
Add additional tag external-ip-dns-zone and check DNS
$ gcloud compute instances add-tags --tags=external-ip-dns-zone --zone=europe-west1-c instance-1 Buddy logs INFO[2017-03-09T23:12:42+01:00] [Synchronize] Synchronizing DNS entries... INFO[2017-03-09T23:12:44+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change addition: instance-1.external.example.org. / [] $ gcloud dns record-sets list -z external-example-com NAME TYPE TTL DATA external.example.org. NS 21600 ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d4.googledomains.com. external.example.org. SOA 21600 ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 3600 259200 300 instance-1.external.example.org. A 300 instance-1.external.example.org. TXT 300 "buddy/europe-west1-c/"
Delete instance and check DNS
$ gcloud compute instances delete --zone=europe-west1-c instance-1 Buddy logs INFO[2017-03-09T23:19:29+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change deletion: instance-1.external.example.org. / [] INFO[2017-03-09T23:19:29+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change deletion: instance-1.internal.example.org. / []
Create instance template with internal-ip-hostname and external-ip-hostname metadata
$ gcloud compute --project "my-project" instance-templates create "instance-template-1" --machine-type "f1-micro" --metadata "internal-ip-hostname=my-internal-hostname,external-ip-hostname=my-external-hostname"
Create instance group with 2 instances
$ gcloud compute --project "my-project" instance-groups managed create "instance-group-1" --zone "europe-west1-c" --template "instance-template-1" --size "2" Buddy logs INFO[2017-03-09T23:36:32+01:00] [Synchronize] Synchronizing DNS entries... INFO[2017-03-09T23:36:33+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change addition: my-internal-hostname.internal.example.org. / [] INFO[2017-03-09T23:36:33+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change addition: my-external-hostname.external.example.org. / [] $ gcloud compute instances list NAME ZONE MACHINE_TYPE PREEMPTIBLE INTERNAL_IP EXTERNAL_IP STATUS instance-group-1-c7h6 europe-west1-c f1-micro RUNNING instance-group-1-zd4d europe-west1-c f1-micro RUNNING
Check DNS records have 2 IPs
$ gcloud dns record-sets list -z internal-example-com NAME TYPE TTL DATA internal.example.org. NS 21600 ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a4.googledomains.com. internal.example.org. SOA 21600 ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 3600 259200 300 my-internal-hostname.internal.example.org. A 300, my-internal-hostname.internal.example.org. TXT 300 "buddy/europe-west1-c/","buddy/europe-west1-c/" $ gcloud dns record-sets list -z external-example-com NAME TYPE TTL DATA external.example.org. NS 21600 ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d4.googledomains.com. external.example.org. SOA 21600 ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 3600 259200 300 my-external-hostname.external.example.org. A 300, my-external-hostname.external.example.org. TXT 300 "buddy/europe-west1-c/","buddy/europe-west1-c/"
Scale up
$ gcloud compute --project "my-project" instance-groups managed resize "instance-group-1" --zone "europe-west1-c" --size=3 Buddy logs INFO[2017-03-09T23:44:22+01:00] [Synchronize] Synchronizing DNS entries... INFO[2017-03-09T23:44:23+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change modification: my-external-hostname.external.example.org. / [] -> [] INFO[2017-03-09T23:44:23+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change modification: my-internal-hostname.internal.example.org. / [] -> [] $ gcloud dns record-sets list -z internal-example-com NAME TYPE TTL DATA internal.example.org. NS 21600 ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-a4.googledomains.com. internal.example.org. SOA 21600 ns-cloud-a1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 3600 259200 300 my-internal-hostname.internal.example.org. A 300,, my-internal-hostname.internal.example.org. TXT 300 "buddy/europe-west1-c/","buddy/europe-west1-c/","buddy/europe-west1-c/" $ gcloud dns record-sets list -z external-example-com NAME TYPE TTL DATA external.example.org. NS 21600 ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d2.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d3.googledomains.com.,ns-cloud-d4.googledomains.com. external.example.org. SOA 21600 ns-cloud-d1.googledomains.com. cloud-dns-hostmaster.google.com. 1 21600 3600 259200 300 my-external-hostname.external.example.org. A 300,, my-external-hostname.external.example.org. TXT 300 "buddy/europe-west1-c/","buddy/europe-west1-c/","buddy/europe-west1-c/"
Scale down
$ gcloud compute --project "my-project" instance-groups managed resize "instance-group-1" --zone "europe-west1-c" --size=2 Buddy logs INFO[2017-03-09T23:47:04+01:00] [Synchronize] Synchronizing DNS entries... INFO[2017-03-09T23:47:05+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change modification: my-external-hostname.external.example.org. / [] -> [] INFO[2017-03-09T23:47:21+01:00] [Synchronize] Synchronizing DNS entries... INFO[2017-03-09T23:47:22+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change modification: my-internal-hostname.internal.example.org. / [] -> []
Delete instance group
$ gcloud compute --project "my-project" instance-groups managed delete "instance-group-1" Buddy logs INFO[2017-03-09T23:49:29+01:00] [Synchronize] Synchronizing DNS entries... INFO[2017-03-09T23:49:31+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change deletion: my-external-hostname.external.example.org. / [] INFO[2017-03-09T23:49:46+01:00] [Synchronize] Synchronizing DNS entries... INFO[2017-03-09T23:49:47+01:00] [Cloud DNS]: Change deletion: my-internal-hostname.internal.example.org. / []